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CCM Boys conquering the world


Staff member
I'll have a look at that later, I think there was some round-about way of splitting stuff into new topics that had to be done but not sure.


Well-Known Member
Just delete all the posts relating to ex-Mariners playing abroad, and move this thread over to the general section.


Active Member
I think it's a combination of having the same back-4 the last few weeks (and a good back 4 at that, our right-back for example is young and inexperienced on that position but incredibly talented and with tons of potential), and a very good (and sometimes very lucky) goalkeeper. I think our strengthened midfield is also playing a part.

As for the change in manager, it's hard to tell. He hasn't made a lot of changes yet, because that's risky: we're winning our matches, and we want to keep doing that. So it's no use changing everything right now: we want to start playing better, but there's no need for a sudden, brutal, change in style of play. It'll be a gradual process. Which, admittededly, will probably begin with keeping a stable defense.

Also worth mentioning that most of our goals conceeded were from (right after) setpieces. Better organization will have a large role there.


Well-Known Member
Five ex-Mariners! Top stuff! Great stuff for the club, and great stuff for Wilko! So stoked for him. Hopefully he will replace Neill by World Cup.


Well-Known Member
And one more is a Central Coast junior. Over a quarter of the national team have played either junior or senior football on the Central Coast - definitely the centre of the football universe!!

. i wonder why people are excluding a certain someone :unsure:

. so happy for wilko :vhappy:


Well-Known Member

. imagine a spine of ryan, wilko + sains, jedi + oli (wherever he may be played) & tomi !

. sains also deserves a crack regardless of whether he can keep himself awake at training

. no, i was actually referring to a certain someone selected in the squad. he did 'represent' the club hence wore the yellow and navy but i don't believe played for us in a league fixture ... or are you just suffering from a selective memory?

. understandable if you are


Well-Known Member
. imagine a spine of ryan, wilko + sains, jedi + oli (wherever he may be played) & tomi !

. sains also deserves a crack regardless of whether he can keep himself awake at training

. no, i was actually referring to a certain someone selected in the squad. he did 'represent' the club hence wore the yellow and navy but i don't believe played for us in a league fixture ... or are you just suffering from a selective memory?

. understandable if you are

Lol. Sorry that will teach me for not reading your post properly. Please ignore my previous post!

James Netherlands

James? That's a funny way of spelling Judas.

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