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Asian Champions league Elite Group


Well-Known Member
We won the grand final against Melbourne city comfortably because of Danny's killer instinct coming for the ball.

Completely legally and fairly absolutely owned the city striker who then had to be subbed off.

f**k around and find out.
Danny also made a number of reflex saves during the season when he didn't come out. If you come out you have to get it. I think the young guy was in 2 minds. I'm sure it will be 'a teaching moment'.

When the Kaltak/Sainsbury combo is working and Pavlesic has learnt from a few 'teaching moments' I think we will be fairly solid at the back during the ALM.

The concern is how do we score enough while conceding more than we did last year. Apart from MAC (GD -3) each of the top 6 last season had a goal difference of 10 or more. Each of the teams that missed out had a negative GD. Ours was +22.

We can probably afford to concede a few more than last season, but not too many if we are not scoring as freely. Our big thing last season was scoring late, we wilted last night but that is understandable given the lack of fitness and game time together.

I'm still happier with where we are at this stage of the season compared to last. That worked out well across the board. Whether we can compete in the ACLE though is still up in the air - but I'm reasonably confident of a good season in the ALM.


Well-Known Member
How is one of the top 3 best young goalkeepers in Australia in Germany? Can’t be in two places at once
Aint none on the Coast. Having said that Gauci was pretty average for us and came good. We had a very poor keeper coach then and now we have Vuka so hopefully he can make a silk purse out of whats looks like a sow's ear.

Big Al

Well-Known Member

The 🇧🇷 striker scored the 2nd most goals in the tournament last year. Can see why and not sure why they only played him for 45mins.

On the first goal the ball is whipping and is perfectly placed between Sainsbury who sort of has his back turned and Kaltak. While Pav does get caught with a slight hesitation on his back foot I think the striker dives in front of him on the angle any way and if he comes for the ball I think he gets beaten anyway and takes out the striker without getting ball.

As I mentioned before it’s all about the time and space given to the ball player.

The Sainsbury header, still can’t believe it didn’t go in and again Brian is unmarked behind him but probably a bad angle if Sainsbury wasn’t there.

I think the Chinese put their foot down in the second half knowing we would tire and we made a few sloppy mistakes and they pounced on it.
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Big Al

Well-Known Member
Being a Man U supporter, I half hope he does come good.
The other half says "NO"....nothing for the wanderers.
It would be good for the league id both Mata and Costa are good but just not against us but both have some concerning history. Especially with our harder pitches.

It would be great as well to see the two teams burn cash on these two


Well-Known Member
It is a bit concerning for the league that in a year with the lowest revenue share in recent history we also have teams signing up gazzilion dollar marques like never before. Somewhat concerned about the hole being dug.

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
It is a bit concerning for the league that in a year with the lowest revenue share in recent history we also have teams signing up gazzilion dollar marques like never before. Somewhat concerned about the hole being dug.
They have rich owners. Reports of AL's death tend to be exaggerated.
Some clubs view the revenue split as a contribution. We don't
Some teams attract and keep big paying sponsors.
We dont


Well-Known Member
It is a bit concerning for the league that in a year with the lowest revenue share in recent history we also have teams signing up gazzilion dollar marques like never before. Somewhat concerned about the hole being dug.
It's not the little guys over extending though. Sydney made good money on transfers in recent years and WSW have coin. I heard Mata was on 350k which isnt that much. If anything you could argue the continued spending actually reflects well on the health of the league.


Well-Known Member
If Sain's header had gone in would have been 2 all and we might have got a point or even sneaked a late goal.Not too unhappy with the overall team performance-second competitive game of the season and we all knew this was going to be a tough comp.

As others have said let's not crucify Pavlesic-big game for a young keeper and gives Danny time to work with him.I think Mauragis is a good acquisition and while he lacks the toughness of Faz looks quite settled.Likewis Ngor looks promising -he had a very good first half particularly.Still early to see how Feijao fits in but he hopefully will follow the Tulio,Doka and Torres trajectory and show his worth after the settling in period.

I sense MCcalmont will also help our midfield when he gets used to his teammates.Kaltak did look rusty and he certainly was at fault for the second goal but he will improve.It was great to see Sains back in CCM colours-he still has that coolness about him.Doka is a real shit stirrer and really was able to wind up the Shandong boys.Tapp had some loose passes early but looked strong on the ball and he could have a real breakout season.

Kuol put in a workmanlike shift but is not at the level that he was was in in initial season.Edmondson also was trying to work between the lines and made himself available but we need him in last season's GF form to spearhead the line.Looking forward to di Pizio being available.

Big Al

Well-Known Member
I thought Macalmont dropped to deep alot. Almost with the backs. To similar to Tapp maybe. Both Niz and Balard could move forward or back but both Tapp and Macalmont seem to want to be deeper and too similar.

He still gives me Bozanic vibes with the run around and touch it to the CBs with no real point. Was expecting a bit more from him the other night and i want to see him having shots from the top of the box as looks from there

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