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Asian Champions league Elite Group


Well-Known Member
Better than our performance in Malaysia away this time last year.

Good learning curve, look forward to Buriram at home
Not sure I agree with that summation tbh, we dominated in Terranganu but couldn’t finish our chances. We were much less incisive in this game and I thought our play was very clunky generally.

No doubt that the boys will be better than they were tonight but a bit more concentration and application and we take away a point this evening.
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Well-Known Member
Mixed feelings, second game in a row Kaltak has made crucial mistakes. Hope he gets his head right soon as we can’t afford any more.

We really need a striker to stand up this season and bang in ten plus goals. Not sure that’s going to happen. Ngor looks to be a menace and will be a fan fav very quickly.

Not a disaster and I didn’t have high hopes so early in our prep and only after one proper game. Tough conditions and that Ref was ordinary and totally lost the game after about 5 mins.


Well-Known Member
Let's not forget we played one of best teams from a nation of 1.4 billion.

Despite the loss it was good showing, especially at this point in preseason.
I have mixed feelings. Brian and Trent both made mistakes in front of a young keeper. However, this is there first competitive game together for what I believe will probably be the best CB pairing in the ALM.

At the end we had 4 players on the field that were playing at NPL level a month ago.

I would have loved to see Di Pizio there.

On the down side Shandong Taishan is the lowest ranked team on the East Asia side of the draw.


Well-Known Member
I have mixed feelings. Brian and Trent both made mistakes in front of a young keeper. However, this is there first competitive game together for what I believe will probably be the best CB pairing in the ALM.

At the end we had 4 players on the field that were playing at NPL level a month ago.

I would have loved to see Di Pizio there.

On the down side Shandong Taishan is the lowest ranked team on the East Asia side of the draw.

Would have loved to play them at home and with games under the belt, but these the breaks.

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
I thought that was a real "welcome to 1st grade" game. The gap between AL and the bigger Asian sides is huge.
People far smarter than me don't rate Pav 1 bit and I now see why. Sticks to his line, very average.
Other than that, we played a team way better than us and apart from 2 completely avoidable goals we weren't outclassed.
With a half decent AL keeper we win the league again
Ngor will batter the AL.
We go on


Well-Known Member
We simply ran out of legs. Dominated first half, dominated first fifteen of second and then it went to poo. Without Theo and Miggsy we had no spark and creativity, with either of them starting or coming off the bench.

Play that game in two months and we would have won it. Alternatively if Trent scores the open header at 2-2 we would have held on and that would have been an unreasonable result.

I am okay with the performance but disappointed with the result against what looked like a beatable team.


Well-Known Member
How is one of the top 3 best young goalkeepers in Australia in Germany? Can’t be in two places at once
My point was that of young Australian goalkeepers, none of ours are in the top 3.

Of those left IN Australia they probably shift up a few rungs, but that's like saying I got my steak from the best cattle in the paddock after the best ones went to market.

Big Al

Well-Known Member
Sainsbury was simply amazing to watch again. Some of his passes are exquisite. He is so calm and poised. Going to dominate the AL.

How was it not a penalty for holding him in the first 5 minutes 🤷🏻‍♂️.

How did that header not go in?

Thought he was our best by far
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Big Al

Well-Known Member
Brain can make the odd bad pass out of nowhere but at this level the attackers don’t give you much chance to recover.

Thought he held off far to much giving time and space. He has the pace to recover too.

I think it was a big wake up call for him. These are not A League level who will misses 7/10.

i was worried he would be a beast in this tournament and be bought in Jan by these teams. That won’t happen if he plays like that again.

He has always come good and I expect him too again. He also can take time to settle wIth a new CB partner.

Also Faz used to be back further than mauragise so he needs to adapt to that

Very disappointing not to get at least a point

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