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Well-Known Member
Farrell all class. Defence was pretty good in difficult conditions. Hall was solid and Kaltak the usual brick wall. Nizzy was a bit quieter than usual. I suspect because he was missing Ballard. Sharp goal from Kuol but should have scored off the header late in the game. Involved in both goals so did his bit but would like to see him more involved. Glad I wasn't playing. Even breathing in that oppressive heat is hard. Great to hear the "Yellow Army" chant in the 2nd half! A gritty win.


Well-Known Member
Think I'll have to watch that one again.

Glad to have seen the players shuffled a bit and try something different. Gives me some hope this might be a growth season for the coaches as well.

Torres on the left seemed an improvement, some worrying signs of discipline issues in him though.

Alou showed some flashes of what he's capable of and looked brighter. I think his match fitness and sharpness will improve as the season progresses. Finished his goal well, should give him some confidence.

That Bali team were the worst divers, hackers and whingers I've ever seen. If I were their fans I'd be embarrassed not complaining.

Doka is a bit of a conundrum, can he be coached to improve? Surprised to say its looking like i prefer Storm at RB.

Faz on the rampage, playing really well and looking like he's got an exciting season ahead of him.

I'm really looking forward to that home game against Terrenganu.


I'm an idiot savant without the pesky savant bit
what was it 89% humidity?...fark moi , bugger that
FazelDinho MOM
that bali Utd wank with the filthy dropkick attempt should of got redded for intent alone and all those whinging , whining, disrespectful shits should of got a yellow each for crowding the ref ....
Top of the group then ..WOOHOO


Well-Known Member
Who remembers the scandal of the Menpora Cup?:

Makes last nights win so much more enjoyable along with the post-match entertainment provided by the Bali Utd trolls.


Well-Known Member
Just caught up with the replay so here are my thoughts:

Danny Vukovic: 9

Saved two near certain goals and came off his line well to deal with Bali's long balls in difficult conditions.

Storm Roux: 5

Repeatedly got burned for pace by Jefferson that could have easily lead to more than one goal we actually conceded due to it. Struggled for cohesion with Doka but worked hard.

Dan Hall: 5.5
Culpable along with Storm for the goal conceded but also successfully defused a number of Bali's attacking situations. Ball speed could be improved but generally made good, if cautious, decisions on the ball. Did a decent job at right back after Storm went off.

Brian Kaltak: 8
Singlehandly saved our bacon at one point with a brilliant last ditch recovery tackle. Played a terrific ball to enable Faz's assist to Alou. I understand he is a great aerial threat at corners but keeping him back and sending Dan Hall up could have better dealt with Bali's counters.

Jacob Farrell: 9.5
Fazaldinho was my man of the match and his run, control, dribble and assist to Alou was world class. Worked exceptionally hard all night and was out on his feet at the end and still stopping Bali attacks.

Josh Nisbet: 6.5
Worked hard but difficult conditions clearly affected him. Probably was our most positive midfielder and was tireless all night.

Brad Tapp: 6
Broke up Bali's attacking play well and looked comfortable on the ball under pressure. Only criticism would be to move the ball forward instead of sideways or backwards but a good performance from a young player looking more and more confident at senior level with every appearence.

Mikael Doka: 2
Disappointing performance from Doka who slowed down our attack nearly everytime he recieved the ball. Playing further forward he offered little in the way of attack and seemed disintersted in defending and tracking back. Also, how many corners has he now taken that haven't gone past the first man? His free kick wasn't too far off the mark but we should frankly expect more from a visa player.

Ángel Torres: 3.5
Failed to consistently provide options in build up play and when given the ball often lost it or slowed the game to a crawl. Had a few exciting dribbles that went nowhere and needs to learn to be a team player. Should be commended for his defensive work rate towards the end of the match.

Marco Túlio: 6
Played some good passes and made some good runs but it is telling that our only assist today was by Faz. Clearly having difficulty gelling with Kuol/Torres and co. With some better control could have had a second goal. Great penalty after a long delay forced by the Bali players.

Alou Kuol: 6.5
Great finish for the goal, and showed that his killer instinct is returning with some regular game time. Got himself in good positions that were wasted by Doka/Torres/Theoharous. However, he struggled to really impose himself on the game and interplay with any of our other attackers is still lacking.

Max Balard: 7
Had a good impact on the game when he came on at half time and was great at ensuring we moved the ball postively.
Christian Theoharous: 5
Had more of an impact then Doka but that isn't particuarly saying much. Provided some good energy but needs to learn when to try take on his man and when to pass.

Nico Duarte: 6
Pressed tirelessly in tough conditions for his 20 or so minutes and gave Bali's defenders something to think about. One needless foul and a speculative shot on goal would be my only real criticism.

Harry Steele: 4
Definetly seemed to struggle with the condtions and made a couple of unforced errors that put us under pressure. Not his best game in Mariners' colours.

Nathan Paull: 6
Did well in the limited game time given and did his job to repell Bali in the dying embers of the game.

Mark Jackson: 7.5

Tactically set up decently and acknowledged Doka's defensive frailties by moving him forward, even if Doka himself didn't perform better. Had the courage to start Brad Tapp and was rewarded with a good performance.

Substitutes came at the right time and all had the required impact. I was worried when Hall was moved to right back but he performed admirably.

Only criticisms I would make would be the continued lack of cohesion from attacking players. The decision to have Kaltak up for corners instead of Hall which exposed Storm's lack of pace on counters. As well as our inability to control the ball after we went ahead both times.

While in many ways we were rather lucky to get out of Bali with the 3 points it is a rare feat for Australian clubs to do so and Jackson, the players and the club should be commended for it.

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