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Mariners Squad 2023/2024


Well-Known Member
We dropped the ball on his renewal during his last stint here, otherwise he’d have stayed. By the time we got to him with an offer, he’d already signed with Vuck. Vuck actually wanted us to release him in January but both ccm and smith said no. Good player with a brilliant attitude, glad to have him back.


Well-Known Member
This looks like a great signing, hope he's quick, if so on paper he looks a fantastic pick up.

Josho Howe

Well-Known Member
Happy to have Noah come back. Was at his best on his last stint here and a sound bloke who gave us pod lads not just an interview he came into the studio for, but more of his time after to just chat football and whatever else came up.

And at 22, that's the perfect age for Monty to do his magic.


Well-Known Member
I made a comment a while back about a change to formation, mainly going to a back 5 with wing backs that push right up in attack, with the Smith and Doka announcements, I think this would be a very dangerous to the opposition. Back 3 of Kaltak, Faz and Hall/Roux

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