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you're listening to what right now????

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
Fulhams second finest punk band (Emergency Bitter) have just released a demo of European tour.


Emergency Bitter are a mild unassuming bunch who got together for the love of drinking, punk rock and having a good night out. We've played a few gigs now which have gone surprisingly well, even though we were pissed as farts at one of them. We haven't had any exciting reviews anywhere, but someone once said we were "charmingly shambolic", which was quite accurate on the whole and someone else called us "Interesting Ian Dury style blend of old school and new school punk", which the jury is still out on. "Cider fuelled, rockabilly punk" is a bit nearer the mark I reckon. The demos we have on here are really rough, we hope to get some decent ones up soon. We have some more shows lined up in the near future so come on down and have a drink with us. If you want to book us let us know, as we really need to get out more... See you at the bar, it's your round EB

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
Fulhams finest ever punk band are the Lurkers - this is from the "Fulham Fallout" LP. They still tour too.

Thier cover of "Then I Kicked her" is a classic (no really it is)



Well-Known Member
The Byrds - Mr. Tambourine Man



Well-Known Member
FFC Mariner said:
Fulhams finest ever punk band are the Lurkers - this is from the "Fulham Fallout" LP. They still tour too.

Thier cover of "Then I Kicked her" is a classic (no really it is)


1 minute 30 seconds... gotta love punk!

Loved every second of it  :thumbup:


Well-Known Member
Atomic said:
FFC Mariner said:
Fulhams finest ever punk band are the Lurkers - this is from the "Fulham Fallout" LP. They still tour too.

Thier cover of "Then I Kicked her" is a classic (no really it is)

1 minute 30 seconds... gotta love punk!
Very Ramoneske imo  ;)


Well-Known Member

Faithless - God is a DJ (live)





(could be a little offensive...)

clever, funny etc. brilliant  :piralaugh:

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