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you're listening to what right now????

Auburn Mariner

Well-Known Member
Hello all,

This band, steeped in history, sadness and, at times, incandescent brilliance, have become, for me, one of the most important British acts in the 1980-2000 timespan.

Their album "Susbtance" is simply quite brilliant. Put it on a quiet day, with decent earphones, a nice home brew or Cab Sav and the mobile on silent, and savour how good New Order really were.

This song has totally luscious arrangements and was immortalised in a TV ad. I have been searching for this song for years and to finally see that it has been posted is a real personal highlight for me.

Please enjoy: http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=HPuRqzjQpZg


Well-Known Member
Kanwal Bullz said:
The Cure - The Only One (mix 13)

their new album is out this week  ;D  ;D  :eek:verhead:

let me preface this by saying i like the cure a hell-of-alot, but i have to laugh at people who think the cure are all alternative and not-mainstream pop

they write damn fine pop songs that are really catchy and commercial

just because robert smith looks weird and sings in a weird way does not change the fact that they are about as commercial as you can get


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Jarvis Cocker - c**ts are still running the world

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