I really like a lot of that post Ancient. On players like Rose Jr, Kalik, Austin Roy etc I feel exactly the same.
I don't think you have to be blindly optimistic though, as there are some pretty pessimistic football supporters out there who are also passionate devoted fans and the majority of people would likely lie somewhere between both extremes, or oscillate. My step mother is a shocker. Always fears the worst, but loves the Mariners to death, member since V1, travelled OS for ACL, and has barley missed a game. She cracks us all up with her endless pessimism. Really is very funny. Room for a mix as ever I think.
Maybe this is not what you were saying, but you obviously don't have to be results driven and demand wins with a "bought team" to also feel concerned about your club and believe a few things needs to change. That would seem a pretty polarised take on things. And I'm sure you would agree that it would be a pretty unreasonable position to tell people to simply jog on if they hoped for more when the team goes bottom after 10 rounds and has not won away in 22. Again, I think there's a lot more room in the middle. You can be on board the vision, supportive of our youth policy, realistic about our expenditure and sustainability etc... yet still think we are in dire need of some reinforcements or that we will continue to languish, that this will hurt us, maybe even badly, and we will fail to achieve the vision the club outlined.
On new players:
I don't expect Charlesworth wants to spend more $$ at all. And you might be right unfortunately and he will not. And I agree re spoilt overly demanding or whiney fans etc. But from where I sit I think you may have the wrong end of the stick on this point.
A wooden spoon won't stop me renewing, but for some it obviously will... and for how many casuals is probably a bigger question. People always give bandwagoners a hard time. But we need bandwagoners. And I'm positive Charlesworth wants as many Bandwagoners as he can possibly get. He doesn't really care where the numbers come from. It's why he was trying NSO not because he was trying to destroy the club. And that's why he's talking about being the entertainment factory now. He conceded we don't even need to win as long as we're entertaining, because he believes that will still drive crowds, and that will make us sustainable. Fair enough.
But the truth is, we are not executing his vision at present. And he did not state he's happy to lose, even if we are playing poorly and our fan numbers start to dwindle. How could he want that? He doesn't. Neither do we.
A couple of players may not change things (which is why I feel four are required to be a lot safer) but all evidence suggests that if he doesn't spend to bring in at least a little more experience and quality now, it will very likely equate to us staying around the bottom and losing a few thousand in gate for each of our remaining home games - plus all the bad press and impact on memberships next year etc. Not to mention how it impacts on current players, their careers and future recruiting. Like Coach said on here the other day, if he was a defender he'd be running for the hills to preserve his career prospects. You can see why a player may feel this way.
And as I see it, all the hard work and the vision for the year will quite possibly fail, possibly all because of a couple of dickheads and a few hundred thousand in squad depth.
I don't think this would be throwing good money after bad. We're not that far off the pace when our best 11 is on the field and in form. And the vision is sound I think. But the model clearly needs some tweaking. And not because we had problems. Any good plan expects some unforeseen problems and has a contingency built in. And though harder to budget for, contingencies become even more important when you are so bare bones.
From how we began, Walmsley looks like he really might be able to pull off the vision given time and the right depth and balance in the squad, but right now, it seems pretty clear that he needs some more depth and experience for it to be balanced, and that the task at hand to play attacking entertaining football against much better resourced opponents, is too big a burden and unrealistic for such a young squad as we now have. Even with Reddy and Bosnar acting like they'd been pumped full of ecstasy it may well not have been enough. So imo the club needs to throw some support behind them, and I think they deserve it despite the results. Because they have shown promise. But the players and TW are clearly feeling the pressure now (never seen Rosey snr so frustrated) and make no mistake their is a lot of judgement being placed on them all around the league, from pundits, other coaches, players and even ex players it would seem. And a lot of people have always seemed liked they would be quite happy if we folded.
So I want to be clear, I'm not saying we desperately need some reinforcements from any expectation of monstering the league, or even expecting to win a lot more games this season, (though a ratio greater than 10% would certainly be hoped for and fair enough to expect I think) I'm saying it because it seems blatantly obvious to me that we now have to spend on a couple of players at least if we hope to execute the vision of playing entertaining attacking football and drawing good crowds for the rest of the year that the club has outlined.
Because intention is not enough, potential is not enough, even effort is not enough. Because the quality of other teams directly impacts on how entertaining you can be regardless of your intentions. Potential must be realised before it's ultimately of value. And huge effort that bares no results can be very frustrating and even highly demoralising. I think you can see this in some of the players now.
From what I can tell they've busted a gut and been brave and bold this year and really were having a go at making something special and finding a new way forward, all in the face of criticism. Which is why I think there isn't mass call of TW out, but rather MC, please support the vision now or all that hard work looks like it will come to naught. (or worse)
I'd much prefer that to TW getting the sack and another over haul etc etc... as I've said multiple times, he seems a really good guy and so good for the club in so many ways.
Anyway. Just my perspective. But I think we need to spend to support the vision. Not because it was inept and I'm sick of losing. (Though I'm sick of losing

) But so we can achieve it.