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The Socceroos thread.


Well-Known Member
Okay, Boyle's washed.

Get on Nestory and we need some creativity in the midfield instead of 3 defensive midfielders. Good thing they brought our favourite pocket rocket, Josh NISBET!


Well-Known Member
Amazing, we handled these cringe asian tactics better than Arnie. You'd have thought he'd have learnt from previous games.


Well-Known Member
Should be 12min.

But own worst enemy.
If they fall don’t go near them and extend the delay.
Have our own watch shoved in third officials face.

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
Arnold simply has to go. Game has passed him by.
Lose every game until he is driven out.
Mind you. Ratboy curse having the same effect that he did at CCMA


Well-Known Member
A solid reminder of why I should never watch the Socceroos in Asia. It's an utterly pointless activity - we're average and the opposition spend the time rolling around like they're doing ducking rhythmic gymnastics.

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