Well-Known Member
Bex said:Sacko said:BTW - Clarence how do you intend on fire up if things go pear shaped? Once you've sold your soul to the devil it's his play thing not yours...
One could ask the same thing about what you're going to do about this now......
Who's to say that McCabe is the devil and that the club HAS sold it's soul? I know I certainly haven't sold mine just yet & neither has countless other Mariners' fans, so we do reserve the right to support the club or not, hold protests against anything we don't like collectively.
Remember this too Sacko, the major asset in the future of this club will be it's Centre of Football Excellence. It will be a development IN PARTNERSHIP with Wyong Council and Wyong RSL. As I said earlier, McCabe won't be getting it all his way (he is still only a part investor in the Mariners too and only so many spots on the Board, not wholly owned.). Even when the development is complete he will still have other stakeholders in the CoFE to attend to. I cannot see it being his plaything.
What is the flipside though Sacko? What alternative is there for the club? We all tend to agree that the club needs external funds in order to survive & it doesn't have the capacity at the moment to generate income from other sources. The Centre of Football Excellence has to get up and running, and generating income for the club first, then they can look at other projects that will also offer alternative income streams for the club as a business. Sponsorships and crowd attendance income is seasonal and fickle, and should - in an ideal situation - only form a part of their income stream.
Maybe you would be happier if West Ham took a stake instead of McCabe/Sheffield? I know it wouldn't change my view but others here may detest that as much as you do McCabe's investment.