Forum Phoenix
Well-Known Member
I sat with Matty's mother when he made his debut. It was amazing to watch her joy and be deafened as she repeatedly screamed at lung busting levels. "We love you Matty Simon and your beautiful face!!!" Have to assume it was a pun on the face only a mother can love joke 
He's been a great Mariner. But to be fair, the Mariners have done well by Matty Simon too. He got his chance here. He was backed through his development even when returning no goals, then went on to play some great games, even got a Roos call up, made some good coin, was very well loved - even after he had his best season, and as is our wont, we had to sell him OS to stay afloat - so it's no surprise this brings out some emotions in us all. It should. But the club does not owe Matty, and neither does Matty owe the club (unlike some other wage thieves we could mention)
Professional football is a cruel mistress. Matty has not played a lot of football in the last 3 years, and we don't know the numbers, so we can't be sure the real shape of it, however the club presumably thinks it can do better than Matty. Is this possible? Well, it's certainly not without question is it. Even just as a squaddie? We really might struggle to do better here, but aside from a potential wage issue that could impact our level of affordability on a first choice striker, we also might even be able to better replace him with the next youngster who deserves their chance too... But we don't know. We can't. Some decisions you simply have to wait until time bares out whether they were good or bad ones.
Wombats point about Fitzy would be very apt, if not for the fact Matty was out for the season. So this is next seasons plans we're talking about, and there's what, nearly half a year to recruit and still even have some pre season? So the Fitzy point is moot.
It would be pretty un-coastie not to be very sad to see Matty Simon go, so I'm glad to see the support he has. It's also very hard I think for some of us to let go of players you know will always put in and contribute and play with love for the shirt - especially in modern football, where selfish lazy footballers abound. But the clubs future on the field must always outweigh sentiment, so we will now have to wait and see if they can do better. The club has a right to try, (we often expect them too) even when it means moving players on that we love, and undoubtedly, we will judge them on whether they succeed or fail. So not much point second guessing it till then.
But I'm gonna shed a tear for Matty S.
Always a Mariner. Both him and his beautiful face.

He's been a great Mariner. But to be fair, the Mariners have done well by Matty Simon too. He got his chance here. He was backed through his development even when returning no goals, then went on to play some great games, even got a Roos call up, made some good coin, was very well loved - even after he had his best season, and as is our wont, we had to sell him OS to stay afloat - so it's no surprise this brings out some emotions in us all. It should. But the club does not owe Matty, and neither does Matty owe the club (unlike some other wage thieves we could mention)
Professional football is a cruel mistress. Matty has not played a lot of football in the last 3 years, and we don't know the numbers, so we can't be sure the real shape of it, however the club presumably thinks it can do better than Matty. Is this possible? Well, it's certainly not without question is it. Even just as a squaddie? We really might struggle to do better here, but aside from a potential wage issue that could impact our level of affordability on a first choice striker, we also might even be able to better replace him with the next youngster who deserves their chance too... But we don't know. We can't. Some decisions you simply have to wait until time bares out whether they were good or bad ones.
Wombats point about Fitzy would be very apt, if not for the fact Matty was out for the season. So this is next seasons plans we're talking about, and there's what, nearly half a year to recruit and still even have some pre season? So the Fitzy point is moot.
It would be pretty un-coastie not to be very sad to see Matty Simon go, so I'm glad to see the support he has. It's also very hard I think for some of us to let go of players you know will always put in and contribute and play with love for the shirt - especially in modern football, where selfish lazy footballers abound. But the clubs future on the field must always outweigh sentiment, so we will now have to wait and see if they can do better. The club has a right to try, (we often expect them too) even when it means moving players on that we love, and undoubtedly, we will judge them on whether they succeed or fail. So not much point second guessing it till then.
But I'm gonna shed a tear for Matty S.
Always a Mariner. Both him and his beautiful face.
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