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Mariners Squad 2024/2025 ALM and ACL Elite


Well-Known Member
Well, the sentiment from the players and those in the community he had involvement with suggests otherwise but what would I know.
I did say what do I know, heard a rumour that he hasn’t been all that involved lately. Still rate what he contributed in the past. Nothing stays the same and we should know more than any other team.


Well-Known Member
I did say what do I know, heard a rumour that he hasn’t been all that involved lately. Still rate what he contributed in the past. Nothing stays the same and we should know more than any other team.
I genuinely meant “what do I know.” I don’t.. no clue. Like most of us, can only go on what we see and that’s not a lot.

The only other thing I will say though is that it’s odd, going by his other insta posts of late.. only 5 days ago he posted he was “joining forces” with new GK Pav. A week or so ago he was posting about starting pre season.

Seems sudden and unplanned and Peil not being mentioned in his thank you post seems hard to ignore.

On the back of so many other departures it is also hard to dismiss as just “one of those things.”

But yeah. We will see 😕
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Well-Known Member
Hmmm. I might be alone here and I don't pay his salary, but I think this will be a big loss to the clubs culture.

I will admit however, that last season, he was basically not seen where as under Monty there were articles, videos and mentions from Monty routinely about his contributions.

The timing seems to clearly coincide with the new S&C coach, Occams Razor would suggest it's to do with that.


Well-Known Member
I genuinely meant “what do I know.” I don’t.. no clue. Like most of us, can only go on what we see and that’s not a lot.

The only other thing I will say though is that it’s odd, going by his other insta posts of late.. only 5 days ago he posted he was “joining forces” with new GK Pav. A week or so ago he was posting about starting pre season.

Seems sudden and unplanned and Peil not being mentioned in his thank you post seems hard to ignore.

On the back of so many other departures it is also hard to dismiss as just “one of those things.”

But yeah. We will see 😕
Didn't mention Matt simon either

Big Dog

Well-Known Member
His salary was non-essential.
I think like some other cuts in the club it's probably more down to this. We've taken a massive cut financially thanks to those who run the A-league and decisions have to be made.

I know Andy spent a lot of time with players and their rehab and fitness programs. Tappy and Theo come to mind. And the support he and Jaynie gave to some of the Academy boys can't be overstated.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure that MJ has still got things to conquer here. He will be keen on the Australia Cup and then there is the challenge of the ACL Elite. Whether progress there is realistic really depends on the draw on 16th August. If we get a decent draw we need to finish in the top 8 of 12 to progress to the last 16. Then a home and away against a West Asian side to make the final stage in Saudi Arabia.

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