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Mariners Squad 2023/2024


Well-Known Member
Yeah it’ll be a massive battle for the starting LB role this season and I can’t say either Faz or McGarry don’t deserve to be there

I think that's why theyll push Farrell for a CB position more this year, his versatility will ensure he gets more game time ( and will demonstrate his defensive qualities)

Pirate Pete

Well-Known Member
The only thing that looks a bit dodgy about this lineup is Farrell at CB which we saw a couple times this season. Also I’m relying on Tulio to resign his contract but overall I think this is a solid lineup.
View attachment 2785
That's a bold move there mate.
Paying six figures for Kuol and you're leaving him on the bench.

.... or have you dropped him entirely?


Well-Known Member
I don’t think Alou is a straight Cummings replacement.. not yet. But it will certainly be good to have him home and no doubt at all, Monty and Serg will breathe new life into him again.
More like a Sammy replacement. I'm excited he's coming back and can't wait to watch him banging goals in for fun.


Well-Known Member
If I’m being honest I feel that Alou will be initially used as an impact sub and hopefully will turn into a starting striker
I suspect that the two wide midfielders / wingers and the front two will be given a bit of a license to roam. I expect Moresche may start wide right with Beni on the left and Marco and Alou up front. We then have Theo and DWH to come off the bench or fight for starting spots.


Well-Known Member
Alou is a weapon, he's going to kill it.
I expect him to score plenty. Even after losing Sammy’s flair. I expect Tulio stays. Alou is going getting bulk chances regularly from the likes of moresche, Tulio, beni, Theo and even DWH. And whilst he may not have developed as much as Stuttgart liked, he’s still improved out of sight with his composure and technical ability.

The craziest part is that we might be paying a fee for a player ?
So we can give Tulio that wage bump ?

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