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Mariners Squad 2023/2024

Big Al

Well-Known Member
Does Kaltek move over to the right?

He is right footed which is only him and Winddust for now.

Does he play RCB for Vanautu?


I still have a sneaky feeling our first choice back 4 will be Gaz, Faz, Kaz and Stormaz.

These other guys like windust and Paull as depth.
I think what you can be guaranteed of is every defender on the team list getting game time across all competitions. We probably won't have a very settled back line and it will be a next man up mentality. I'd say our training squad will be probably the biggest it's ever been (unless we already include the entire NPL squad for first team training) so that anyone at anytime can be aware of the role they may get asked to play.


Well-Known Member
I've just been watching Miguel Di Pizio playing for the Joeys. Curious about his potential for next season's campaign. Thoughts?


Well-Known Member
He’s already had some minutes this last season, so I reckon guys like him and Kuzevski are well and truly in the rotation plans.


Well-Known Member
Yeah always a risk for us that he might have an underwhelming season next year and loose his value again.

I think we will sell players while they’re peaking for maximum dollars unless the deal isn’t good enough.

Lots of shuffling amongst other A-League teams so even if we loose 4 especially front and wings it won’t disturb us too much and very likely can do well early next season.

Triantis is biggest loss.
+ Cumdog goal tally.


Well-Known Member
So Sammy gets replaced by Christian with Miguel shadowing until January. If Miguel leaves in January then we can look at Hammond to step.

I'd love to keep him but this is the lot of a selling club and presents a fit Theoharous with an opportunity to start each week.
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Well-Known Member
Hmmmm, I actually really want Sammy to stay another year first

Would be a big loss but not an irreplaceable one. Theoharous with a big pre-season behind him would be more than capable of stepping up into the role. Hurts our depth though and makes the loss of Lachie Bayliss a little bit more confusing.

With AFC Cup on the horizon surely we will need at least one wide recruit if he goes.

I think it would be better for Sammy's development to stay another season but can understand him wanting to get back to Europe.

Rising Sun

Well-Known Member
Kuzevski has a very nasty injury to recover from first. So need back up there.
Poor kid, sure he will be back though.
What is the injury? ACL? He was on crutches and then progressed to walking in a moon boot but I noticed he was back on crutches last week

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