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Mariners Squad - 2019-2020


Well-Known Member
I liked what I saw of him at the Nux, so not disappointed with him joining us as such but I worry that we won’t seemingly have a truly experienced CB in the squad.

Word is that we will be signing another visa player and possibly another up and comer.

Agree. Solid player.


Well-Known Member
So the question is, does Staj bolster our defence with an experienced quality CB or go for broke with a visa striker? Better football minds than me on this forum no doubt have a view. Do we lock down our defence and back ourselves to kick one or two a game or do we go for broke with some real quality upfront? This, of course, assumes that we can attract suitable good value quality to the club...any views?


Well-Known Member
At this stage I would be leaning towards a gun centre back rather than a gun striker. We shipped plenty last season and I am not convinced, aside from our keeper and Ziggy, that our defence is much better. I think those two get us back to par from last season.
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Well-Known Member
Centre back, an area more susceptible to injuries especially when chasing and on the back foot.

The trial of the Brisbane Strikers NPL lad indicates they might bolster the front with another natural goal scorer if Murray fails to take off.

I only prey Simon is used exactly the same as at Sydney as last 15min to defend a possible lead we may have and piss off the other team to make them loose focus.

Murray and Majok will become a back up right wing and striker.
And Murray could be good behind in the line of 4 that Staj plays as well next to DDS, Oar and Sil.

We do really need GG and Tonj back asap and full strength with some match time behind Kim before the season starts that’s for sure!


Well-Known Member
The best managers anywhere always build their team by starting with making the defence as solid as possible. GA did this in our glory years and always preached to the players back then that defence comes first and anything after that is a bonus. Even to the attackers “do your defensive work first so you can express yourself going forward”

The next signing will prove if Staj is a follower of that philosophy. I’m now 100% preferring a quality visa CB over ST.


Well-Known Member
There was talk of increasing the visa limit so both is a possibility but it cant happen until all the formalities with the FFA transfer of power are sorted out so might be a mid season or next season thing but if it happens we could be in for both sooner or later.

Probably an unpopular opinion but if we're in for one it might come down to what's available and in budget, I tend to think they'd be looking for an experienced striker and we all know how hard to come by those are locally. We've also had a lot of trouble giving our supporters goals over the last few years so if we're looking to play a more interesting brand of football a striker suits that. If the search for a decent value striker comes up short we may end up with a CB but it feels like we're more likely to be trying to add depth via players that will be fighting for a start and allow flexibility. For CB we could see GG, Rowles, Tongyik and the rumoured player from last night all eyeing off the two CB spots. Ziggy could potentially be in the mix too if we can get some depth around RB.

The impression I get is we're going for a 'the team is more than the sum of it's parts' mentality which works with the budget and the idea of keeping a lean, flexible squad.


Well-Known Member
Im torn.

In defence we have Ziggy, GG, Tongjik, Rowles, Clisby and rumoured signing of Fox. Also I feel that Melling can drop back into the back line as depth as well. Now only 1 of those is Visa quality, but the depth is pretty good - 7 players for 4 spots. I totally understand the theory of locking up defence prior to attack, and would love a Visa CB for the boys to follow and learn from - ala Patty Z.

In striker we dont have a visa quality player, or recognised regular goal scorer. We know Matty is past his best, and hopefully management come to the same conclusion shortly. Murray MAY be able to kick on. Majok MAY also. But thats 3 players who we need luck or promise to swing our way to field a very important part to the front of our formation. Given I think we are a little slim on winger depth as well now with the departure of Soul Brother #2, and Ingham, I think Im leaning towards signing a visa striker and having Majok/Murray as bench/winger players.


Well-Known Member
For all of everything, we did score goals last season - we lost a buttload of games courtesy of playing a good first half, then collapsing defensively in the second... Our forwards might not be the quality we'd like them to be, but I think they showed that they can do a job, so I'm very much on the 'let's get defense sorted and see where that takes us' bandwagon, if we can't have both.


Well-Known Member
For all of everything, we did score goals last season - we lost a buttload of games courtesy of playing a good first half, then collapsing defensively in the second
We scored 31, around 10 give or take less than the majority of the mid table clubs. Brisbane conceded 1 more but scored 7 more. Adelaide made do with 37 but conceded less than half the goals we did so both those areas need to be addressed. We didnt start the season with either of the CBs we used in the second half of the season and as a result our partnerships and structure was miles behind in addition to the fitness from slack training and general morale issues from being completely rubbish.

I believe its possible to put together a decent defensive unit with the players we have and a bit more depth of similar quality and we're putting the team together early unlike last years shambles. I don't hold high hopes against Brisbane next week due to the injuries and suspension but believe they'll be good for the season when it kicks off. A high quality CB that the top 3 would envy would be great but I can't see it happening at the moment so we'll have to make do via structure and partnerships that I'm sure Staj is drilling in to the team.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure on this one but trust that whichever way we go Staj will have a plan.

Our forwards are all capable of scoring and I feel this is an improvement on last year - sharing the scoring load between them and better service to Murray, Majok et al. should provide enough goals (I hope).


Well-Known Member
The best managers anywhere always build their team by starting with making the defence as solid as possible. GA did this in our glory years and always preached to the players back then that defence comes first and anything after that is a bonus. Even to the attackers “do your defensive work first so you can express yourself going forward”

The next signing will prove if Staj is a follower of that philosophy. I’m now 100% preferring a quality visa CB over ST.
I spoke to McBreen a while back who told me that in the first 3 months under Arnie they ONLY worked on defence and defensive structures and duties. During that time he basically said the attackers had free reign to explore in play and try things. The effect was the attackers got to play to their strengths and we're creative not having too many limitations. Except in their defensive duties. He said Arnie was unrelenting on that and made it clear players would not be in the first 11 if they did not do their job defensively.
After that Arnie moved into the attacking side of the work. Macca and PatrickZ have both been forthright in conversation that Arnie was hands down the best coach they'd worked under.


Well-Known Member
I spoke to McBreen a while back who told me that in the first 3 months under Arnie they ONLY worked on defence and defensive structures and duties. During that time he basically said the attackers had free reign to explore in play and try things. The effect was the attackers got to play to their strengths and we're creative not having too many limitations. Except in their defensive duties. He said Arnie was unrelenting on that and made it clear players would not be in the first 11 if they did not do their job defensively.
After that Arnie moved into the attacking side of the work. Macca and PatrickZ have both been forthright in conversation that Arnie was hands down the best coach they'd worked under.

Tbf, even in the Championship season, we were ridiculously wasteful in front of goal... I remember contemplating buying one of those carnival 'painted-goal-with-holes-on-a-wooden-plate' things to donate to the club, for training at one point there... Our strength was definitely in defense first and then creativity... Just created enough chances that eventually one of them was bound to lead to a goal...
I feel like our approach last season was similar, only the goal scoring was even more abysmal and the defense was far from the required quality, which is why we 'won' so many first halves and lost so many games.


Well-Known Member
Tbf, even in the Championship season, we were ridiculously wasteful in front of goal... I remember contemplating buying one of those carnival 'painted-goal-with-holes-on-a-wooden-plate' things to donate to the club, for training at one point there... Our strength was definitely in defense first and then creativity... Just created enough chances that eventually one of them was bound to lead to a goal...
I feel like our approach last season was similar, only the goal scoring was even more abysmal and the defense was far from the required quality, which is why we 'won' so many first halves and lost so many games.

I still think we need to strengthen at CB and striker but potentially Alen is our best signing for the year.

I feel the understanding of Maty Ryan's contribution in the championship year in all facets of the game is diminished. He had a great season and didn't let in many goals - but that was because we played the game away from the other teams scoring areas.

Maty would get the ball and release to Patty or Trent. If they weren't available he could always rely on Pedj or Josh. If they were all pressed he could pick out Ollie or WeeMac or Hutch or Monty. Hell, he often put it straight to Mile or McBreen. Those quick releases meant we were rarely on the defense and were always looking for the quick break.

That year there were probably better pure shot-stoppers in the HAL - but no keeper was such an essential part of their team. This is what a good manager can bring to a team - making the team greater than just the sum of the parts.


Well-Known Member
I feel like our approach last season was similar, only the goal scoring was even more abysmal
I never felt like we had any valid attacking plan. We stumbled on Millar going down the wing and crossing it in as the season progressed and milked that a bit but there was never a flow to our attack. The whole thing was kick it to Matty and hold it up. Try to pick up a set piece in a dangerous spot or hope we can pounce on some scraps. Occasionally we'd release Pain or Murray and look briefly dangerous and then it was back to the long ball to Matty. Watching him and Ross try to combine was hard and never looked right. Although I'm often critical of him none of that is a slight on Simon, it was bad team composition and lack of a clear gameplan.


Well-Known Member
Tbf, even in the Championship season, we were ridiculously wasteful in front of goal... I remember contemplating buying one of those carnival 'painted-goal-with-holes-on-a-wooden-plate' things to donate to the club, for training at one point there... Our strength was definitely in defense first and then creativity... Just created enough chances that eventually one of them was bound to lead to a goal...
I feel like our approach last season was similar, only the goal scoring was even more abysmal and the defense was far from the required quality, which is why we 'won' so many first halves and lost so many games.

I remember I had a running joke with my wife that year that we had to have 10 attempts to score 1 goal. We were shooting regularly, converting infrequently.

Forum Phoenix

Well-Known Member
Good read today chaps. :tophat:

I agree with all of you. We need both. If I had to choose between a side that can score for fun or rarely cops a goal, it would be the former. But I still look at our side and with the midfield talent we now have, think a quality visa striker could be huge for us.

And PJ has it for mine. Staj is looking ever more likely to be our best signing.

Regardless of which way it goes, looking forward to the season and watching it play out.

Forum Phoenix

Well-Known Member
I never felt like we had any valid attacking plan. We stumbled on Millar going down the wing and crossing it in as the season progressed and milked that a bit but there was never a flow to our attack. The whole thing was kick it to Matty and hold it up. Try to pick up a set piece in a dangerous spot or hope we can pounce on some scraps. Occasionally we'd release Pain or Murray and look briefly dangerous and then it was back to the long ball to Matty. Watching him and Ross try to combine was hard and never looked right. Although I'm often critical of him none of that is a slight on Simon, it was bad team composition and lack of a clear gameplan.

Yep we were terrible going forward. And terrible at the back.

Up side is, in getting rid of Hoole and Kennedy, and switching in Silvera and Birighitti, both areas are clearly miles better.

Staj showed though, that even with the team we had, a lot more could be gotten from them than Mulvey did. Either Staj is a great coach or Mulvey was just so bad that anything was better. Some of both I hope.
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Well-Known Member
Yep we were terrible going forward. And terrible at the back.
Being rubbish going forward heaped a lot of pressure on our backs as well. More often than not we’d be back under the pump quickly due to a lost long ball or no real attacking threat. Not to mention the mental aspects for both teams of scoring/conceding a goal.


Well-Known Member
I guess the deciding factor for me is based around our midfield recruiting.

We have an excellent creative DM in Kim. Add in Oar, DDS and Duric towards the front. For me thats easily the most complete midfield we have had for years. Good control of the midfield should reduce the oppositions effectiveness compared to last year. Birraz will also save more than Kennedy.

It will be a terrible waste of talent and cap space if that midfield group is feeding Matty.

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