Sorry for my ignorance, but did you guys ever get the suggested Paul Mc Cartney song lyrics from Jimmydinho up and running as a song???
It's a fantastic pick because they are very powerful pull at the heart/feel some pride style lyrics...
Such lyrics should in my opinion be used for the "walk on" song.
That being the case, I felt they should also be set to a very powerful and well known song that was designed to evoke in much the same way as the lyrics are... Something that will truly bring a tear and an inner fire to our boys on the park and unite the coast masses.
Ok, so my suggestion is that we set the lyrics to "Amazing Grace"
It's a very powerful and beautiful song, especially when done by a good singer, but even more powerful when it rises from the throats of the masses... (It's also well known which makes it being picked up very easy and it's impact much stronger) It would be just the one verse, but then followed by a purely instrumental followup verse on the pipes.
Just imagine... it's almost game time... the moment has arrived... the boys are about to come out...
the drums ring out ... and now a cry goes up from the bay "WALK ONNNNN!!!!"
The pipes hit the first note and hold...
and then the whole of the stadium begins to sing to the tune of amazing grace...
Win or lose, sink or swim,
We will never, give in.
Side by side, hand in hand,
Together, we always stand.
Play our game, fight our fight,
Hearts ablaze, with all our might.
Arm in arm, hand in hand,
Together, the yellow, STAND...
The boys are on the park making there line... and now the lone pipes wails out
another haunting chorus across the park... this instrumental chorus seeping into the hearts of whichever enemy
has dared to today enter our hallowed ground, leaching out their strength, and filling our boys with fire.
Shouldn't be a dry eye, or non proud heart in the park. :'(
Lawrie talks about making Blue tongue the fortress, and this would be a befitting song for our yellow army to make it's stand by I think... An opening battle cry. Has anyone ever heard the pipes do amazing grace? It's just AWESOME - you cannot not be moved.
To make it roll more fluently, I had to do a little doctoring -
but in essence it's still pretty much exactly the same.
??? I'd be very interested to hear the opinions of our veteran marinator members who's support and approval it would take for this to have a chance of coming to fruition - and hopefully you may also think that this has as much merit and possibility as I do... If so... I will happily get a few quality singers that I know together and make a recording fro your further perusal and then can see where we can go from there...
Best Wishes all
6 points clear is drawing near