With such a personal question, face to face i'd likely see red, tell you to mind your own business before splitting your lip, help you up, then split the other lip.
However, seeing as it would obviously effect one's thinking in this matter, the answer is yes, along with several peers. All of us alter boys, and likely before you were born. The only questions asked for decades were the questions asked of ourselves. Why would a priest be wrong, the one person we had been told since we were old enough to listen was never to be questioned, should have our ultimate respect and one who's word was gospel, literally.
If asked to walk through fire, do it with a smile on your face knowing it must be the right thing to do of course, because the priest knows best. To question his word was to question your own faith. Quite scary, for a kid.
As one gets older, with an older head capable of independent thought, he learns to question his former perceptions and that in fact, you weren't wrong to have fear of a priest and doubt his word. You feel like a stupid fool for allowing yourself to be believe unquestioned. You realise the way fear was used to make one helpless and the guilt that keeps the lips zipped for many years. You learn how vicious the church can be in discrediting an accuser. You learn that many will still blame you as a liar or instigator, in preference to facing the truth. Many still make excuses, blame the messenger or see, hear and speak no evil. You learn to despise the reality of organised religion and those in it with myopic opinions.
Are you claiming that the church does more harm than good?
In my case and many, many others, most certainly. In other cases, most certainly not. The good doesn't cancel the bad and vice versa. Obviously.
Are you claiming that the pope is a criminal?
I'm saying (as you read) that he should be held accountable if he assisted in covering up a crime to protect the reputation of the church and allowing a continuance of crimes when in a position of authority that enabled to prevent it. Do your research, please. He was directly responsible for a minimum of two such cases.
I have been punched in the head. Yet not reported the crime to police. Am I a criminal?
That analogy is terrible and doesn't deserve an answer.
Why is it that someone should be held accountable for the job of another? The education minister does not try people accused of indeciency as teachers. The panel below him somewhere do. He will keep things quiet unless he is asked to act by those whose job it is.
One should be held accountable for those you have authority over, those that answer to you and those that must follow your direction. Passing the buck is not only cowardly and immoral, it's damn well unchristian.
Priests, like teachers, like public servants, like anyone, who commit rapes etc all face the law. But they are pulling long bows to try and say that anyone who knows about something is forced to do something.
Obviously you aren't aware of the official protocol of teachers. Even a suspicion of a problem, over hearing student gossip for example, must be verbally reported and a written incident report recorded. It must be passes on to child and community services if involving a student to student or social welfare incident, or passed on to police if an allegation involving a staff member. It's the responsibility of the principle to make sure staff protocol is followed, the responsibility of the education dept. to make sure principles police protocol, and the responsibility of the education minister to make sure the education dept. enforces the government's policies.
This is nothing more than selling books. Did the pope do something morally he shouldnt have, thats for him to decide, not me, nor you, nor a couple of atheiest witch hunters.
For him to decide?

I cannot believe an adult could still be so gullible. That infallibility rubbish is what had me believing as a kid that we should always do what our parish priest and Marist Brothers principle tells us. Only one of them ended up in prison for being trusted and is still there btw.
The pope has immunity as head of state, but since the police are not calling for, not even interviews, yet alone his head,
Nothing personal, fella, but I prefer to take the advice of Jeffery Roberson. Once again, do your research to find out why Robertson has that opinion.
this is a massive publicity stunt, and if i was one of the abused, I would be disgraced by them making a mockary of my circumstance IMO.
You might even like the idea that anything that can be done to force a cultural change in the existing protection of child abusers and the church reputation, should be done. But to be truthful, sir, you wouldn't have a f**king clue how you would feel unless faced with that circumstance, so remove that shiny halo and stick it up your nose with the holier than thou attitude.