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"I for one welcome our insect overlords" - The Politics Thread


Well-Known Member
It won't be. At least not formally federally under Albanese. The referendum was promised, it was delivered and he will respect that decision and will not legislate it in the face of that result. He has been meticulous in sticking to what he said before the election - otherwise the stage 3 tax cuts would have been cut/changed.

That doesn't mean that there won't be more engagement with Indigenous leaders before deciding on policy settings in areas that affect them - it just won't be a formal 'voice'.
I agree. I just wish it wasn’t the case. Hope it doesn’t spook him out of the republic referendum


Well-Known Member
Isn't a pity that the electorate in this country is so obsessed with tax breaks,franking credits,negative gearing ,etc but couldn't give a stuff about indigenous people and refugees.You are correct about that 2019 election where the misinformation peddled about franking credits and tax reform cost Shorten the election.At the time there was no problem with interest rates and exorbitant rents( not in all cases granted) so for most people their financial situation was not too bad.However the LNP at that time had actively worked against climate change,demonised refugees,given big tax concessions to big business , not done anything about social housing and blithely ignored our Pacific neighbours' problems with rising sea levels but FMD people voted for that absolute twat Scomo.

Now with increased interest rates,increased rents and dearer food and fuel I can understand that these hip pocket issues may well turn voters against Albo especially that LNP now knows that many will swallow their lies and miinformation.
The electorate in most places consistently voted against self interest.

The US is a great place to see this with ballot measures regularly voted on, stuff that the people have brought that they want to make law. People will vote for a ballot measure then elect people opposed to it. Happened in Florida for De Santis’ first win. People voted for re-enfranchising felons, then elected politicians who opposed it. It still hasn’t been enacted.


Well-Known Member
The electorate in most places consistently voted against self interest.

The US is a great place to see this with ballot measures regularly voted on, stuff that the people have brought that they want to make law. People will vote for a ballot measure then elect people opposed to it. Happened in Florida for De Santis’ first win. People voted for re-enfranchising felons, then elected politicians who opposed it. It still hasn’t been enacted.
Jeb Bush used a program called Bankmatch (to look at combining clients from various systems) to match felons against the electoral roll in the leadup to the Bush Gore election.

The vendor states it should be set to 99% and then confirmed by followup. That didn't get enough registered Democrats so it tweaked it down bit by bit until it was around 70% but without a followup. when that still didn't get the registered Democrats down enough he got felon lists from neighbouring states until he was happy. The result was that many non-felons were disqualified from voting and to this day remain disenfranchised.

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
They’ll keep her around, conservatives love having a token non white person.
Her and Mundine are absolutely perfect for the LNP. They'll jump everytime their conservative masters click their fingers, and all the LNP supporters get to pretend they're supporting Aboriginal people

Some have said Price will be cast aside, but I don't think so - I think she's been too effective and is now too public. This has certainly helped her career - and the fact that she threw Aboriginal people under the bus to do that is not lost on mob. I initially wrote 'her people', but it's clear that her people are conservatives, ahead of First Nations peoples.

It's always been useful for anti-Aboriginal policy to recruit some Aboriginal people to deliver that policy. It's been useful since the frontier days, when Aboriginal trackers were used to hunt down other Aboriginal people.

Partying with Gina says everything there is to say about LNP policy here. Sacrifice the country for their mining mates. Gina and that yellow party idiot only oppose this because of fear that it would lead to stricter regulations around mining.

Christ, this couldn't be more on the nose, could it?

And it's also sad to see that the LNP are still perfectly happy to lie and deceive. FFS, we need to have differing parties, but we shouldn't have that behaviour.

But, Australia loves being lied to. We've known that for a while.

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
There's your LNP win right there. Meddle with tax breaks and you are doomed.Cost Shorten the election (that and the fact that no one likes him)
Inner cities are gone for both major parties. Teals and greens will get their votes.
The battleground is now traditional labor heartland where Dutton can wage a Trump/Bojo campaign without fear of upsetting the rich.
The Voice showed them how to win. Tax reform will confirm it.

I doubt we'll see any tax reform. Certainly no hard decisions will be made to help with the cost of living (unfortunately we've had nothing yet). ALP have been running scared of the LNP for too long, and trying to avoid policy they can be attacked by, because they know how the LNP responds and how easily the public laps up that BS. We saw that from the gaslighting over the "carbon tax", and I don't think ALP have recovered from that.

LNP still, for reasons I'll never understand, have the status of the party of "responsible economic management" for a lot of people . Heck, there are still too many people who think ALP = more debt and LNP = less debt (they always go silent when you point out facts). So anything the ALP does which may potentially harm housing investors will be absolutely torn to shreds by the LNP and the complicit media.

And we've already seen the successful campaign of lies over the franking credits. FFS, why is is that everytime I think about something the LNP has campaigned successfully on, the core of the campaign was lies? The current state of politics is so damn frustrating.


Well-Known Member
I doubt we'll see any tax reform. Certainly no hard decisions will be made to help with the cost of living (unfortunately we've had nothing yet). ALP have been running scared of the LNP for too long, and trying to avoid policy they can be attacked by, because they know how the LNP responds and how easily the public laps up that BS. We saw that from the gaslighting over the "carbon tax", and I don't think ALP have recovered from that.

LNP still, for reasons I'll never understand, have the status of the party of "responsible economic management" for a lot of people . Heck, there are still too many people who think ALP = more debt and LNP = less debt (they always go silent when you point out facts). So anything the ALP does which may potentially harm housing investors will be absolutely torn to shreds by the LNP and the complicit media.

And we've already seen the successful campaign of lies over the franking credits. FFS, why is is that everytime I think about something the LNP has campaigned successfully on, the core of the campaign was lies? The current state of politics is so damn frustrating.

I can see what you are saying. However, Anthony Albanese has repeatedly said that the stage-three tax cuts are here to stay, saying voters want to see more integrity in politics and he is keeping his election promises.

The Stage 3 cuts come in from 2024-2025. The election must be held before the end of May 2025 but may will be held in late 2024. The government can introduce tax scales by regulation along the lines below while also pre-empting that that is the policy they will be taking to the late 2024-2025 election. At the same time they can flag the policy areas like housing and rental affordability they will be using the savings to support.

This tweak will still deliver tax cuts for everyone earning more than $45,000 and less than $150,000. But it will give voters a choice for the next term of whether that flat rate of 30c is extended between $150,001 and $200,000 giving much more to anyone earning over $150,001 or addressing other policy areas.

Stages 1 and 2 addressed lower earnings.

0 to $18,200 Nil
$18,201 to $45,000 19c for each $1 over $18,200
$45,001 - $150,000 $5,092 plus 30c for each $1 over $45,000
$150,001 - $200,000 $39,592 plus 37c for each $1 over $120,000
$200,001 and over $58,092 plus 45c for each $1 over $200,000

In that way people earning less than $150,000 will see that their tax cut has been delivered and can go to a late 2024 - early 2025 election being able to make a choice between tax cuts for those over earning over $150,000 or areas of support for other areas like housing and rental affordability.

If Albanese is returned they can then change the rates in legislation. If not they stay as they are. Either way, they will have been voted on. In this way he will have delivered on the policy and taken a responsible budget measure to the next election and left it up to the people to make their decision.

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
I feel like you're more optimistic than I am... Albo has to keep the tax cuts because he promised to, but he should not have made that promise. I suspect that was just trying to not be attacked over it. But whenever the ALP are appeasing the LNP voters, they're disappointing their own base.

I don't think Albo is going to replicate Howard and the GST by making a promise, then taking a reneging to the next election.
If he does, they'll just dig up the "carbon tax" to play the "lies" card.

How Abbott managed to gaslight a country into thinking he was more honest, I don't think I'll ever understand.

I'd honestly be surprised if we see any meaningful structural reform even at the next election.

Unfortunately, I suspect the referendum result will just make Albo more subdued in his policies.

And we're already seeing controversy over Qantas seemingly getting favourable treatment while they ply politicians and family members with lounge membership. Not the right look.

Though we all know Morrison failed the country when he bailed them out, especially given their illegal actions with Covid payments

Govt bailouts should be investments, not charity. If you need taxpayer funds to run your business, taxpayers should have a stake in that business.

true believer

Well-Known Member
Halloween and our embrace of US christofascist politics



Well-Known Member
I can't tell if this is someone who supports Moms for Liberty or someone taking the piss out of them...ie. that's the monster/horror

true believer

Well-Known Member
I can't tell if this is someone who supports Moms for Liberty or someone taking the piss out of them...ie. that's the monster/horror
obviously taking the piss out of them. "fahrenheit 451" is the ignition temperature of paper .
moms for liberty are another billionarie backed ,US puritan nazis .
you know ,scomo's people

true believer

Well-Known Member
ha ha

An American was talking to an Australian about our venomous animals, with crocodiles in rivers; sharks, box jellyfish and blue-ringed octopus in the ocean; venomous snakes all over the country. The American asked: 'Is there anywhere in Australia where something is not trying to kill you?' The Australian replied: 'yeah, school.'

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
I have no problem with the ALP axing the stage three tax cuts. They are obscene. If you agree write to your local member and express your outrage.
If they do that then their hold on Government is even more tenuous - they are failing horribly by any objective measure and if they give Dutton a weapon like that they re toast (and they probably know it)
Shorten trying to steal retirees excess franking credits is nothing compared to this
(Note - they should axe them but they cant)


Well-Known Member
If they do that then their hold on Government is even more tenuous - they are failing horribly by any objective measure and if they give Dutton a weapon like that they re toast (and they probably know it)
Shorten trying to steal retirees excess franking credits is nothing compared to this
(Note - they should axe them but they cant)
That last point is important. There’s a number of things that are the right thing to do but politically will cost too much limiting the overall good you can do or risking worse getting in.

true believer

Well-Known Member
I have no problem with the ALP axing the stage three tax cuts. They are obscene. If you agree write to your local member and express your outrage.
absolutely gunna happen . but like guns in the USA .
the real deal is changes to negative gearing rules on housing

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