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Coast Football Ramble Podcast


Well-Known Member
As any FM player knows, players usually insert a minimum fee release clause into their contract.
If that fee is offered, deal done regardless of what the club wants
I think I heard Richard say that was an area he was going to try and improve. I.e. the figures were set way too low.

Probably understandable when you are always running last, now when we have a notable reputation for developing payers that should change.


Well-Known Member
As any FM player knows, players usually insert a minimum fee release clause into their contract.
If that fee is offered, deal done regardless of what the club wants
Release clauses aren’t guaranteed transfers though. (Although for us it’s more than likely the case it’s a done deal as opposed to big clubs not needing $$). They are just the point where the club has to negotiate if an offer comes in - usually the player just has to be notified of an offer.

The player can still decide not to go and the club doesn’t have to accept it.

Suarez had a $40m release clause in his Liverpool contract and Arsenal offered 40m + $1 to activate it. There was never a transfer though.
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Well-Known Member
I thought that was the whole point of release clauses is that the club HAD to accept it if the player wanted to move to the bidding club and agreed terms with them.
It would depend on the exact wording of the clause but Most of the clauses these days are set up as a trigger to notify the player of the interest (rather than a must sell at this price). they are able to negotiate personal terms with the offering team in good faith if they want.

Same as sell ons - it’s usually not a fixed % for the length of the contract and most change over the length of the contract. Eg we sell tulio on a 5 year deal there would likely be a % for year 1 and/or 2 and a different % in the remaining years. Usually front loaded so if a team buys cheap and sells for a quick killing the original team would get the benefit.

I would imagine that there are very few release clauses that are must sell these days or everyone would be playing in Saudi Arabia by now.


Well-Known Member
It would depend on the exact wording of the clause but Most of the clauses these days are set up as a trigger to notify the player of the interest (rather than a must sell at this price). they are able to negotiate personal terms with the offering team in good faith if they want.

Same as sell ons - it’s usually not a fixed % for the length of the contract and most change over the length of the contract. Eg we sell tulio on a 5 year deal there would likely be a % for year 1 and/or 2 and a different % in the remaining years. Usually front loaded so if a team buys cheap and sells for a quick killing the original team would get the benefit.

I would imagine that there are very few release clauses that are must sell these days or everyone would be playing in Saudi Arabia by now.
There is one practice that happens with release clauses is you set them ludicrously high so you at least get a big pay day if someone you want to keep goes. That’s not really an option for us though.


Well-Known Member
As an example of release clauses that show it’s not just a flat case of if there’s a number and it’s bid that it means a transfer is automatically a done deal.

?? The release clauses into Dybala’s Roma contract.
◉ €12m release clause active now until January 15.
◉ €12m release clause valid from July 1 to July 31.
?? If Italian clubs trigger clause, decision up to Roma.
? If club from abroad trigger clause, decision up to Paulo.


Well-Known Member
As an example of release clauses that show it’s not just a flat case of if there’s a number and it’s bid that it means a transfer is automatically a done deal.

?? The release clauses into Dybala’s Roma contract.
◉ €12m release clause active now until January 15.
◉ €12m release clause valid from July 1 to July 31.
?? If Italian clubs trigger clause, decision up to Roma.
? If club from abroad trigger clause, decision up to Paulo.
Thanks, appreciate the research and the perspective.

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