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Club Ownership


Well-Known Member
I would love to see real numbers instead of having to take someone’s word for it. My gut feeling is we’ve had a bunch of transfer income that has been minimising Rich’s financial input and now looks to be drying up rapidly. That in conjunction with the APL funding cuts has meant he now may be on the hook for the sort of money he says he’s been putting in.


Well-Known Member
Feels like it makes sense now why Peil talked up Paull recently, and seemingly randomly - he was keen to keep the build 'em up and sell them on mantra going.

I wonder now if we'll see a shift in tactics for on field personnel after this. Jacko may have had some management pressure to keep playing certain youth, but his own drive will be to build a winning team


Well-Known Member
I would love to see real numbers instead of having to take someone’s word for it. My gut feeling is we’ve had a bunch of transfer income that has been minimising Rich’s financial input and now looks to be drying up rapidly. That in conjunction with the APL funding cuts has meant he now may be on the hook for the sort of money he says he’s been putting in.
Agree, no transfers from the likes of Faz, Balard and Nisbet. No real chance of a pay day from the ACL other than the first stage and if we break even out of the ACL that would be a surprise. They spent minimal $$ at our home game which will just turn away fans from the next one. Even if APL hadn’t cut funding this season was going to be more expensive no matter what as no large income coming in other than maybe a surprise purchase of a young bloke in January.


Well-Known Member
Feels like it makes sense now why Peil talked up Paull recently, and seemingly randomly - he was keen to keep the build 'em up and sell them on mantra going.

I wonder now if we'll see a shift in tactics for on field personnel after this. Jacko may have had some management pressure to keep playing certain youth, but his own drive will be to build a winning team
You hope Jacko can sweet talk MC into opening the purse strings now. Comments that he isn’t going to put any more money in are worrying and Jacko may not hang around for his full contract if that is the case.


Well-Known Member
I am genuinely worried the next thing we see is a mutual termination of Jackos contract as he reads the writing on the wall.
F... me dead. This could so happen.
We are at the pinnacle point of the greatest success this club may ever reach and we are now f...Ed.

I'm hoping the awful APL and 100% owner MC can do something to get this train wreck back on track.

There must be rich backers out there that want to take on the greatest underdogs of all time! Keep the legacy alive and start the incredible journey again.
Come on f...s get your wallet out.
I've spent over a $1K on black and white merchandise shite in the off season not including memberships.


I'm an idiot savant without the pesky savant bit
make's you think, they should just shut the whole fkn comp down...OR....combine it with npl 1


Well-Known Member
I don’t think so. Who would have ever thought we would win back to back championships and a Treble. Nothing was going to be enough.

Reading these posts, would anybody hazard to make a list of all of the staff he punted / drove out?

Off the top of my head..
Ken S - Football Director
Shaun M - CEO
Christo- Youth Coach
Bryce (strength and conditioning)
Monty & Serg left during his tenure
Andy Bernal
Andres (analyst brought in from Leeds)
John Donnelly- Physio
Gabby B
Dan C
By the sounds of it the whole office staff.

Who else? Other than the many, many sponsors.. DMC and MATE top of the list.

Thats a lot in a 2.5 year period, particularly given how many were long standing.
I thought your were going to list staff he punted/drove out. I read a post suggesting Ken was hard to work with and was on the way out prior to Piel. Monty/Serge and, as far as I'm aware Shaun, were recruited.


Well-Known Member
I'll reserve judgement on this latest development until more details come to light, beyond an official statement from just one of the parties involved. It's too fresh for anything more than speculation at this point.

The issue for me is this is yet another example of the club missing a golden opportunity to further entrench itself in the region and capitalise on the goodwill from the GF. The GF and the scenes after the F/T whistle immediately became part of Central Coast folklore. There were kids who ran onto the pitch who will still talk about that next century, and their kids will wish they could travel back in time to the 2024 Grand Final to experience it for themselves. That night did for the Central Coast what hosting Expo 88 did for Brisbane in terms of its' identity, and ideally the first day people involved at the club went back to work after the GF they should've been fully focused on how to promote the amazing treble achievement + home GF win and convert it into revenue for the club.

Without meaning to show my power level too much, i have a background in marketing. If it were up to me, I would've pulled out all stops to do the following:

* Ensure a surplus of commemorative Treble/ Champions merchandise available for purchase at major outlets across the Central Coast in major retail centres

* Offer existing members free/ half-price 2024/25 memberships in exchange for volunteering at pop-up CCM merchandise/ membership stalls at the major retail centres in the CC (Deepwater Plaza for the Peninsula, Erina Fair for people from the old Gosford City Council area, Westfield Tuggerah for the northern lot etc.)

* Get supporters to sticker-bomb iconic Central Coast locations with promotions for 2024/25 membership and a QR code so people can sign-up on the spot

* Radio advertising campaigns promoting membership for the upcoming season + early bird specials

* Work with major outlets across Central Coast retail centres to get them stocking CCM supporter/ on-field gear

* Ensure there's plenty of commemorative Treble/ Champions merch available at temporary stands outside the stadium on match-days

Get the casual fans wearing CCM/ Treble/ Champions gear out and about and its more promotion for the club and the Mariners brand that doesn't rely solely on people employed by the club/ the diehard fans. If (and it's an IF) results go to shit this coming season, the goodwill factor from last seasons' amazing feat is still fresh and if/ when fortunes turn around you have more members invested in the club and the casuals are more eager to come back because (on a subconscious level) they see following the Mariners as a more clearly defined part of the Central Coast identity.

TBF it's not just the club who are dropping the ball here, it's the league as a whole. The A-League had this period in the early 2010's where it was reaching mainstream acceptance and in the public consciousness, but now it's slipped back into the realm of niche sport category.
This is good. I’d love to see what the measurable impact of sponsorship is (beyond X eyeballs, reach etc). I guess really cost effective sponsorship needs a high level of alignment and timing between the orgs and audience to work (eg aviation gin + Wrexham). Keep turning this over in my head, more research needed.


Well-Known Member
This is good. I’d love to see what the measurable impact of sponsorship is (beyond X eyeballs, reach etc). I guess really cost effective sponsorship needs a high level of alignment and timing between the orgs and audience to work (eg aviation gin + Wrexham). Keep turning this over in my head, more research needed.
I still think Deadpool and Wolverine should invest together.


Well-Known Member
a cartoon of a fish with the words  good feelings gone  below it


Well-Known Member
Just thought this would be a good time to post this.

If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or, being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or, being hated, don’t give way to hating,
And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise;
If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;
If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with triumph and disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to broken,
And stoop and build ’em up with wornout tools;
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: “Hold on”;
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with kings—nor lose the common touch;
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run—
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!

Hang in there.
I always preferred this version of that adage:

If you can keep your head whilst all about you are losing theirs,

You obviously don’t understand the gravity of the situation


FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
I don’t think so. Who would have ever thought we would win back to back championships and a Treble. Nothing was going to be enough.

Reading these posts, would anybody hazard to make a list of all of the staff he punted / drove out?

Off the top of my head..
Ken S - Football Director
Shaun M - CEO
Christo- Youth Coach
Bryce (strength and conditioning)
Monty & Serg left during his tenure
Andy Bernal
Andres (analyst brought in from Leeds)
John Donnelly- Physio
Gabby B
Dan C
By the sounds of it the whole office staff.

Who else? Other than the many, many sponsors.. DMC and MATE top of the list.

Thats a lot in a 2.5 year period, particularly given how many were long standing.
Our group chat had them and 35 sponsors

Hello Sailor

Well-Known Member
I'm surprised at the announcement but not angry with RP. We have had incredible success thanks to his cash injection and I am still basking in the glow of it. Thanks RP. In the dark times I was shitty as all I hoped for was for us to be competitive. I'll be content if we make the finals most years.

I'm a bit confused about the deal he had with MC. Wouldn't $7m buy half of the club anyway? But now he walks and has no equity? [I recall a post some years ago which said that MC wanted twelve].
MC seems to have done well out of having someone else pay half of his operating costs for a couple of years.

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
I'm surprised at the announcement but not angry with RP. We have had incredible success thanks to his cash injection and I am still basking in the glow of it. Thanks RP. In the dark times I was shitty as all I hoped for was for us to be competitive. I'll be content if we make the finals most years.

I'm a bit confused about the deal he had with MC. Wouldn't $7m buy half of the club anyway? But now he walks and has no equity? [I recall a post some years ago which said that MC wanted twelve].
MC seems to have done well out of having someone else pay half of his operating costs for a couple of years.
Yup. Dick maths never adds up.

He could have bought 1.5 jets for that

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