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    ccmfans.net is the Central Coast Mariners fan community, and was formed in 2004, so basically the beginning of time for the Mariners. Things have changed a lot over the years, but one thing has remained constant and that is our love of the Mariners. People come and go, some like to post a lot and others just like to read. It's up to you how you participate in the community!

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Well-Known Member
What's with all the hating on Dor Jok? Seems to be putting in plenty of effort and hasn't had a lot of first team game time. We don't have the cash for experienced squad depth, give the kid a chance to get some senior minutes and improve.


Well-Known Member
What's with all the hating on Dor Jok? Seems to be putting in plenty of effort and hasn't had a lot of first team game time. We don't have the cash for experienced squad depth, give the kid a chance to get some senior minutes and improve.
It’s not a question of effort he just hasn’t looked really threatening when he does get a run. If he’s blocking minutes that could go to another academy prospect it’s a bad thing, if there’s no one else waiting then not a big deal.


Well-Known Member
Last I heard was an issue with his calf I think. Woke up with swelling there and they’re still trying to find the issue
Sounds like a DVT. I had one in my chest/shoulder years ago. They nuke it with blood clot breaking drugs.

Andrew Gaze had the same thing I had. There's my claim to fame.

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