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Australia Cup Round of 32 vs Hindenburg United


Well-Known Member
We haven't got room in the cabinet for another trophy anyway.

Think we've seen enough of Paull and Wilson for this season. Smith needs a lot of fitness training.

Lot of positives though, Alfie looks the goods. Just hope Edmo can show quality now he's going to start getting opportunities.

Mauragis looks a good signing too.


Well-Known Member
We looked worse than most of the other ALM sides I’ve watched so far and it wasn’t our opponents doing. Lots of work to do.


Well-Known Member
If you’re shocked that a high end NPL side at the peak of their season beat us with pure energy in a cup designed to give NPL teams an advantage, you’re a silly bugger.
If you’re drawing conclusions about the season ahead from a game 2-3 weeks into pre season, you’re an even bigger silly bugger.

I can’t believe I have try convince others yet again. There was positives even this early in our play, the chances were there for us to win. Alou didn’t take them. Yeah Pav had a mare for the 3rd, guess what? That happens to young keepers. Gonna wanna be prepared for it to likely happen again, hope it doesn’t but it very well could from him or jack.

Alfie was good, will be huge this year. Positive signs from vitor, Mauragis and diesel looks a classy CB when he’ll be fit. Good to see Kuzi back too.
Biggest takeaway? They weren’t fit or sharp (SHOCKING).


Well-Known Member
To be fair, Heidelberg were pretty decent. As expected, we didn't have the quality of Nizzy, Ballard, Vuka and Farrell. For the new players, Deisel, and Mauragis looked good. Jury is still out on the rest.


Well-Known Member
Use to Cup disappointment, not jumping to any conclusions. I think we have only been back for two weeks. A lot of work to do but I’m sure Jacko doesn’t need to be told that.

I’ll leave any judgement on the season until January 2025. Not going to shoot my mouth off this season.
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Well-Known Member
I really like kuz tonight.
So did I - he looked a lot better than Storm who was very rusty. Kind of proves the point that playing more games makes you better even if Kuz has missed a lot of the NPL season he is well ahead in terms of game time. Kind of backs up @Michael 's point about a match fit NPL side against a side just back to training trying to integrate a bunch of new players.

Still plenty of positives but unfortunately a lack of competitive games before the ACL Elite and ALM. I also don't think transfers in and out are finished.
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Well-Known Member

I'm not upset by the loss.

Our first game with about half a dozen new players, against a good team which has the season under them.

Would have preferred the win, but it's about ensuring the team gets the minutes in so they are gelling before the ACL and league.

There are some solid positives, and things that need improving, MJ will be on it.
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FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
Silly pre season comp designed to engage the NPL
Stuff we already knew?
Buying Kuol was a mistake
Paull and Wilson aren't good enough.
We are a CM short
We have too many full backs
Stuff we found out?
New Brazilian, Alfie and Diesel are quality.
Keeper is solid.
Kuz is 100% a starter
Doka is not a 10

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