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Well-Known Member
So scheduale saying 2 legs on 7/3 & 14/3.

7/3 - Leg 1 - Home
9/3 - Aleague - Away Cows
14/3 - Leg 2 - Away
17/3 - Aleague - Home Bling

They might let us re-scheduale Cows game but the APL will want Shitty to come good.

Just off Google sure not sure how accurate it is.

Ancient Mariner

Well-Known Member
Hmmm, I could say I told you so about Doka and Barcelos, but it would seem too much like smugness, so I won't.

All I will say is please stop bagging out players until they have had a fair go to adjust and acclimatise.

You may also look for their good points which are sometimes harder to see than a glaring mistake.

It is much friendlier.

I remember not to long ago when all we wished for were players who would bust a gut for the Club. I do not like seeing players who do this getting hammered here.

Great to see them contribute tonight. Pure enthusiasm and belief.


Well-Known Member
That was one for the ages and was always going to be a tough game against a well-coached side with some good players.

Not sure Brandtman should be coming on ahead of more senior players just yet however, as he looks a little lost at times and his poor defensive effort allowed Methcarthur to equalise with only minutes remaining but hopefully he learns from that.

I will admit that some of the subs had me scratching my head somewhat but we don’t know what loading and injury issues required managing in truth and the boys ultimately got the job done thankfully.

Hope our boys can manage the current load and give the best account they can of themselves on Sunday. COYY ??

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