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2020/21 Season

Forum Phoenix

Well-Known Member
I think the fact that the first place I go to when I want Mariners news is not the Mariners official channels, it's this forum speaks volumes about the lack of meat on the bones.

This should be a place where we discuss rumours or press releases that have already been promulgated, not a place where I'm so bored at the lack of things to talk about that I'm talking about the lack of things to talk about.
Exactly. I’m not down on the club, but anyone who thinks we’re getting enough info, I'm just going to have to agree to disagree with.

Forum Phoenix

Well-Known Member
You have to admit though that we are luckier than most with Shaun appearing on the pod and coming here on here occasionally.

What we really need is a great source of fairly reliable, non harmful rumours, that can be spread and hopefully appear in the press.

Good gossip drives interest much more than fluff pieces released to the press,.
Yeah I do and thoroughly agree.

That’s why I think it’s not a mariners specific issue, And I think Shaun has gone above and beyond to be approachable and communicate. But there’s clearly a desire for greater engagement from a fans perspective, which should not be dismissed lightly. And it’s not a job for the CEO.


Well-Known Member
Serious question. I think the club does alright in sharing info etc.
What do you think they ought to add?
Daily pics of training get boring pretty quickly.

I agree. I think this is one side of the club they do really well. The engagement is predominantly social media but this is expected given resources. I would rather money go towards player and coaching resources.

Shaun Mielekamp

Well-Known Member
I think you guys will find that the more settled things are the more the team can focus on the fun and positive stuff. If we aren't having to deal with as many fires to put out such as COVID announcements, random media articles with no substance, league issues then the team and marketing/media staff have more time to create content. I'm with you guys the more the better, just please know there is a reality to resource and all staff wear multiple hats.

Forum Phoenix

Well-Known Member
I think you guys will find that the more settled things are the more the team can focus on the fun and positive stuff. If we aren't having to deal with as many fires to put out such as COVID announcements, random media articles with no substance, league issues then the team and marketing/media staff have more time to create content. I'm with you guys the more the better, just please know there is a reality to resource and all staff wear multiple hats.
Appreciate that Shaun. And your efforts. But I don't think I've been understood. For myself I'm not talking about the broader marketing and making "content".

Serious question. I think the club does alright in sharing info etc.
What do you think they ought to add?
Daily pics of training get boring pretty quickly.

Maybe I'm just an outlier, or maybe what I want is unreasonable, because I just don't enjoy or care about seeing BTS of players doing photoshoots, training pics, or who has the dirtiest locker and other fluff. And no supporters I know ever have either I would say. I'm not deriding it. I'm not against it. If other people enjoy it and the club thinks it's important and working for them, then great.

But for me it's pretty simple what I think outside of that is missing. CCM focused football talk coming from the club.

Informed tidbits, gossip, musing and insights specifically related to our players, coaches, tactics and football. It's hard to come by. Typically have to rely on third party gossip. Yet it can be done in 280 characters or less for a fraction of the effort required with other polished content. Like others, I've been here from the inception, and in my experience it's far and away what people care about and can/will actually engage in a Mariners conversation with me about.

The marketing experts I've worked with have always said the cardinal rule is to provide content that is of value to your fans. IMHO, the most valuable content around actual CCM football that is being put out, is clearly an unpaid podcast by fans. I appreciate the club supports the pod and assists in providing interviews.

Now again, just so I'm very clear, I do think the club is doing a solid job with general commercial content, and even going above and beyond in a few key areas, like Marvin ads and Shaun's open communications. But informed Mariners football talk has long been in short supply. And a more regular dribble feed of it, would certainly be loved and appreciated by this Mariners fan.
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Well-Known Member
Appreciate that Shaun. And your efforts. But I don't think I've been understood. For myself I'm not talking about the broader marketing and making "content".

Maybe I'm just an outlier, or maybe what I want is unreasonable, because I just don't enjoy or care about seeing BTS of players doing photoshoots, training pics, ok who has the dirtiest locker and other fluff. And no supporters I know ever have either I would say. I'm not deriding it. I'm not against it. If other people enjoy it and the club thinks it's important and working for them, then great.

But for me it's pretty simple what I think outside of that is missing. CCM focused football talk coming from the club.

Informed tidbits, gossip, musing and insights specifically related to our players, coaches, tactics and football. It's hard to come by. Typically have to rely on third party gossip. Yet it can be done in 280 characters or less for a fraction of the effort required with other polished content. Like others, I've been here from the inception, and in my experience it's far and away what people care about and can/will actually engage in a Mariners conversation with me about.

The marketing experts I've worked with have always said the cardinal rule is to provide content that is of value to your fans. IMHO, the most valuable content around actual CCM football that is being put out, is clearly an unpaid podcast by fans. I appreciate the club supports the pod and assists in providing interviews.

Now again, just so I'm very clear, I do think the club is doing a solid job with general commercial content, and even going above and beyond in a few key areas, like Marvin ads and Shaun's open communications. But informed Mariners football talk has long been in short supply. And a more regular dribble feed of it, would certainly be loved and appreciated by this Mariners fan.

Maybe the tactical and game dissection could be achieved by former players rotated after every game? One post game review and one pre game preview.

I would love to hear from Tommy P, Gumpy or Josh Rose.

Record a five to ten minute Zoom session that can then be released on the website or Facebook page.

Have someone like Pete to host this to keep a consistent structure.

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
Maybe the tactical and game dissection could be achieved by former players rotated after every game? One post game review and one pre game preview.

I would love to hear from Tommy P, Gumpy or Josh Rose.

Record a five to ten minute Zoom session that can then be released on the website or Facebook page.

Have someone like Pete to host this to keep a consistent structure.
This - brilliant idea. tactical analysis of the previous game would be great


Well-Known Member
I think the club do a decent job in marketing/media for the fans, in terms of match previews a major factor of that would be mariners tv before our home games, that is a great initiative started by the mariners which has been caught on by other clubs, but I do agree, more could be done in regards to football analysis and stuff for the fans,


Well-Known Member
I think FP has nailed it....

As a fan and someone who will share good Mariners stories to everyone I can..... quick updates even without answers would help a lot...

The current example """" The New Owners"""

WE don't need names or inhouse details... simply say every two weeks or so... how many people are looking and what stage some of the stuff is at.... not to do so implies failure to many and spreads seeds of doubt.

But as FP says Football stuff and things of interest .... i.e. if after a loss extra training is scheduled ....

As suggested also some tactical analysis by former players who respect the club and who fans respect .... the EPL does this very well when two former players discuss tactical aspects of games and provide an analysis of what happened and why and if it worked and was a clever or dump thing to do...


Well-Known Member
The issue is, all the technical discussion, ownership news, transfer rumours and content we strive for on this platform is 100% topics the team don’t want to comment on publicly.

Its not as though the Mariners social channels aren’t accessible by every news outlet and opposition team in the country, why would they come out and talk about their tactics? Why would they talk about ownership progression when every one of the interested parties is covered by a NDA, and any progress is confidential until a deal is signed? Can you imagine the social media meltdown if the team started commenting on potential transfers of players and those contracts fell through?!?

I get the type of info people are hungry for, but that really is the point of forums, not official team media channels.


Well-Known Member
It’s not the club coaches talking about tactics, it’s former players giving their opinions on what went on. This is a huge difference.

It’s not as if opposition coaches haven’t already watched the game themselves and know what is going on. I highly doubt they will get a light bulb moment or sone extra bit of information by watching a ten minute summary.

Coasteaider, you may get your tactical fix from forum but only a very small percentage of fans are engaged through forums.

I do agree with the ownership stuff though. None of it should be commented on until a new buyer is announced. Unfortunately for the club they had to go in damage control because a potential buyer broke a confidentiality agreement.
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Forum Phoenix

Well-Known Member
The issue is, all the technical discussion, ownership news, transfer rumours and content we strive for on this platform is 100% topics the team don’t want to comment on publicly.

Its not as though the Mariners social channels aren’t accessible by every news outlet and opposition team in the country, why would they come out and talk about their tactics? Why would they talk about ownership progression when every one of the interested parties is covered by a NDA, and any progress is confidential until a deal is signed? Can you imagine the social media meltdown if the team started commenting on potential transfers of players and those contracts fell through?!?

I get the type of info people are hungry for, but that really is the point of forums, not official team media channels.
For some things I of course agree. Sorry I haven’t bothered mentioning but giving away your tactics or breaking NDA’s is just common sense. But there are a zillion things that can be discussed without revealing your hand or breaking NDA’s.


I'm an idiot savant without the pesky savant bit
I’m all for former players doing a review of the previous game ...I mean hell they pay Bozza a shit ton to do it and his a dill ...so yeah , give rosey or gumps a shot at it , at least we won’t have to put up babbling incoherence from a loudmouth nitwit

Shaun Mielekamp

Well-Known Member
This is a very interesting discussion guys and i want to thank you for it because it is agreat insight. There is plenty here that highlights the need for more insight information about the club. It is a new world for us now in the media space now as the Fox/telegraph content is dramatically reduced or non-exstant at all. It was only a couple years ago that Tom Smithies articles would be in every paper and on the back pages with professional journalism and articles. Now filling the void is unfounded blogs and click bait articles that the astute fan no longer trusts - and rightly so.
which makes it an obvious look towards the clubs and the league to provide into this space that the clubs would normally always shy heavily away from.
The rumours tidbits and juicy stuff can be extremely distruptive internally as context, opinion and personal relationships are affected and influenced.
Whilst i would love to keep everyone updated with who limped off at training or who is hanging out at a beach with another clubs CEO and looking to get out of their contract to sign with another A-League club - thats just not content clubs are geared to handle properly.
But to say that one of the new visa players hit a bomb top corner goal in an internal match is definitely news that fans would love to hear.

I can only say that we will take this conversation as background for our comms strategy and things like Mariners TV might be a good vehicle to fuel this positivity and experience in being a Mariners fan.


Well-Known Member
This is a very interesting discussion guys and i want to thank you for it because it is agreat insight. There is plenty here that highlights the need for more insight information about the club. It is a new world for us now in the media space now as the Fox/telegraph content is dramatically reduced or non-exstant at all. It was only a couple years ago that Tom Smithies articles would be in every paper and on the back pages with professional journalism and articles. Now filling the void is unfounded blogs and click bait articles that the astute fan no longer trusts - and rightly so.
which makes it an obvious look towards the clubs and the league to provide into this space that the clubs would normally always shy heavily away from.
The rumours tidbits and juicy stuff can be extremely distruptive internally as context, opinion and personal relationships are affected and influenced.
Whilst i would love to keep everyone updated with who limped off at training or who is hanging out at a beach with another clubs CEO and looking to get out of their contract to sign with another A-League club - thats just not content clubs are geared to handle properly.
But to say that one of the new visa players hit a bomb top corner goal in an internal match is definitely news that fans would love to hear.

I can only say that we will take this conversation as background for our comms strategy and things like Mariners TV might be a good vehicle to fuel this positivity and experience in being a Mariners fan.
Just on that point of Fox reducing coverage and media. Optus has massively ramped up their content. There's things they do that could translate to the club. Analysis and what not.

Pirate Pete

Well-Known Member
But to say that one of the new visa players hit a bomb top corner goal in an internal match is definitely news that fans would love to hear.

I can only say that we will take this conversation as background for our comms strategy and things like Mariners TV might be a good vehicle to fuel this positivity and experience in being a Mariners fan.
That's all very well Shaun. But I heard Dan, Dan the (ex) membership man did the same thing the other week.
And he isn't even on the bench is he.

:piralaugh: added LOL in case people thought I was series.

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