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    ccmfans.net is the Central Coast Mariners fan community, and was formed in 2004, so basically the beginning of time for the Mariners. Things have changed a lot over the years, but one thing has remained constant and that is our love of the Mariners. People come and go, some like to post a lot and others just like to read. It's up to you how you participate in the community!

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CCM Fans and the club

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Well-Known Member
Newcastle Herald reporting Jets to restart their games away to Sydney on 21/7, sounds like our derby got moved ..... maybe to accomodate us playing at CCS?


Well-Known Member
I just wanted to say thanks to @Shaun Mielekamp and the club for getting us the Perth game. At a time when other clubs are losing games we’ve picked up one and at no cost to members. As a face of the club you cop a bit around here when we’re frustrated but this is definitely a case of credit where it’s due.



Well-Known Member
In light of the poor turn out tonight would it be worth considering allowing members to also purchase a single GA ticket when they redeem their ticket in the members ‘pre-sale’ (for lack of a better term) for the next two matches?

I had a mate that would have been keen to go but I would have had to wait until later and risked missing out to get a ticket to sit with me. That turned out not to be an issue and it’s one less person through the gate.I could also see some solo members putting it in the too hard basket if they couldn’t coordinate to meet up with mates whether they’re members of general public.

Pirate Pete

Well-Known Member
I know. Was expecting a more stringent approach.
Yes, I was. I went to find my seat, but there was a group already sat there.
I just went and found somewhere else. I was sat reasonably close to an exit.
With a minute to go I made my way to the back for a quick getaway.
Were people made to exit in an orderly fashion? Or was it a free for all like usual?


Well-Known Member
Yes, I was. I went to find my seat, but there was a group already sat there.
I just went and found somewhere else. I was sat reasonably close to an exit.
With a minute to go I made my way to the back for a quick getaway.
Were people made to exit in an orderly fashion? Or was it a free for all like usual?

Free for all but with such a small crowd it wasnt much of an issue.


Well-Known Member
To whom it may concern-

Yesterday I went for a long walk. Why not? After the rain during the week, it was a pleasant Saturday afternoon and time for some exercise and sunlight. So with a whole bunch of new Frank Ocean tunes downloaded and a flask full of tequila in my jacket pocket (7/11 slurpees FTW) I set off... Passing the stadium, I realised:

a) It was game day
b) Kickoff was in an hour

I knew we had Perth in the first round back, but that was about it. Once upon a time, I'd be over at the Leagues club with mates. At least one SFC supporting friend would probably come because they enjoyed the match-day experience at our ground and could safely dress like a Smurf without being spat on. They appreciated CCM games as an occasion and let's face it, that's what drew even those who didn't care much for football to our games. That's what'd make otherwise non-sports fans give Mr Charlesworth what he cares about most: $$$.

But yesterday afternoon, I walked right on and briefly imagined what would it be like if CCM had a fan channel like AFTV. Who would be Robbie? Who is our equivalent of Ty? Would I sound more like Claude or DT? Could we at least make these years entertaining somehow? Will there still be a CCM to support in 5 years time? But then I kept walking, eager to see what flavours 7/11 were dispensing today to take the (well-earned) edge off my long afternoon walk. So over the Brian McGowan bridge I went, filled a Super Size Cup with Raspberry (the lemonade came out like water), then crossed to Adcock Park, added the special ingredient from my flask, put my earphones in, played tunes and pretty much forgot about the game...

Coming back later that evening the match was long over. We probably lost. Maybe we got a draw but that doesn't really fix anything. Even a win wouldn't save this season. I got home later, didn't bother to check the final score. Woke up this morning then scrolling through Fb only saw the score there and nothing to be surprised about. I don't remember the last time I logged into CCMFans because (aside from banner ideas in relation to the clubs' current predicament) I don't see the point?

TL;DR- I miss CCM being the flagship for what every HAL regional expansion side should be like. I miss being taken seriously by opposition clubs and fans. I miss seriously wondering if CCM could win silverware (not counting the FFA Cup) and make a serious charge in the finals instead of wondering if anybody else is going to do worse than us this season? I miss caring about the players we had an identifying with them. I miss the key decision makers at this club giving a shit. I miss giving a shit.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I was. I went to find my seat, but there was a group already sat there.
I just went and found somewhere else. I was sat reasonably close to an exit.
With a minute to go I made my way to the back for a quick getaway.
Were people made to exit in an orderly fashion? Or was it a free for all like usual?

Patrons were asked to leave by bay as directed by the GA. I understand it was hard as many people were used to just leaving when the match is done. This messaging was in the comms we sent out prior to the match but will make sure we include this in the pre-game show as a reminder.


Well-Known Member
Patrons were asked to leave by bay as directed by the GA. I understand it was hard as many people were used to just leaving when the match is done. This messaging was in the comms we sent out prior to the match but will make sure we include this in the pre-game show as a reminder.

You probably need to have the announcer mention it in a bit of down time somewhere in the last 15 mins and again just after full time. Then have security/ushers actually standing at the top of the stairs to remind people to please wait. Otherwise I don't think people will remember from pre game especially if they're cold disappointed and just want to get out of there.

Pirate Pete

Well-Known Member
Patrons were asked to leave by bay as directed by the GA. I understand it was hard as many people were used to just leaving when the match is done. This messaging was in the comms we sent out prior to the match but will make sure we include this in the pre-game show as a reminder.

Yes I know the instructions were sent to us. I thought the instructions would have been up on the big screen a few times.
And maybe an announcement at half time.

You probably need to have the announcer mention it in a bit of down time somewhere in the last 15 mins and again just after full time. Then have security/ushers actually standing at the top of the stairs to remind people to please wait. Otherwise I don't think people will remember from pre game especially if they're cold disappointed and just want to get out of there.

I'm not sure it's a case of people not remembering. Many wouldn't have read the whole email.
I think it's a case of doesn't matter / don't care, want to go home.
You'd have had to have security in the aisles stopping people from leaving their seats. I doubt there were enough on duty to do that.
A bit too late having them at the top of the stairs. That would just create a crowd at the top of the stairs.


Well-Known Member
Yes I know the instructions were sent to us. I thought the instructions would have been up on the big screen a few times.
And maybe an announcement at half time.

I think it's a case of doesn't matter / don't care, want to go home.
You'd have had to have security in the aisles stopping people from leaving their seats. I doubt there were enough on duty to do that.
A bit too late having them at the top of the stairs. That would just create a crowd at the top of the stairs.

I agree with your assumption people probably didnt read everything and also mentioned making sure it is announced more on match day. What I was suggesting was just having the security or usher stand at the top of the isle, when someone gets up to leave ask them to please wait a few minutes due to COVID protocols. Between the announcer and screen info and that I think most people will get it and comply, there might be a few clowns and I'm certainly not asking non security staff to enforce anything but I believe most people will behave in a reasonable way. If people leave before full time so be it.

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
The most contageous thing on Friday were the food queues not exiting the ground.
No distancing, no security, no nothing.
People were ok leaving but at HT it was crazy.


Well-Known Member

Understanding how confidential things must be.... but any chance of a brief overview of where things stand ...
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