Well I guess it's time to say goodbye.
When I first started up on this forum there were so many people quite prepared to go along with anything the Mariners did, both on and off the field.
I felt it necessary to push the other side of the argument, to take issue with some things that occurred that didn't quite seem right to me and needed mentioning, but weren't. I thought it best to put forward counter views to the usual supporters' views, and allow those who did have reservations to agree with me and others to balance the debate. Put the blame on Clarence, he started it, you see. Or at least that was what I thought would happen.
Now, I see there's a batch of people prepared to holler 'bullshit' when they see it.
The ACL campaign brought people's views out, for better or worse, and made not only the most fervent supporter aware of differing views about where the Mariners were heading, but also made the club sit up and take notice too.
I know that in the process, several long time posters dropped off, probably appalled at the negativity of the forum.
I know I have angered quite a few folks here with my comments. Fair enough, but I never asked for anyone to agree with me.
I apologise to those I burnt with my bluntness. It was meant to be a challenge to you. Some accepted it, some ignored it, some got horribly upset. Others may have laughed.
I have been told in no uncertain terms to discontinue this user account. By the person I most love and respect. There was concern expressed about my abruptness on this forum, and well, she pays the bills so I better behave, right?
So I'm off.
