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you're listening to what right now????


Well-Known Member
This guy is one of those that could become mega huge or fad away ... he is from Ballina / Byron ... locals tag him “Byron Bay’s answer to Bob Dylan”... This kid is someone to keep an eye on ... bit like the next Kwell tag when you see a young kid with heaps of talent...



Well-Known Member
The youtube opens heaps of others with a similar theme ... goes for 1 hrs 41 .5 mins... so it a full on watch for a night...



Well-Known Member
For a cold winters night with some JD... almost two hours.. starts a bit slow but some good stuff on this..


true believer

Well-Known Member
real guitars have wings. a bit of wishbone ash
although people that know them would have "live dates" and "argus". i always loved pilgrimage



Well-Known Member
Style .... mate listen to this ... by fark the Irish have some musical talent .. it's slow smooth ... it takes talent to do something slow ... gotta see this guy when he tours ...

Love how the guitar comes in about the 30 sec and he starts signing about 50 secs ... just a lovely arrangement

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Well-Known Member
Joss Stone and you should she the other singer ... fist come in about 1:37 ...



Well-Known Member
Apologies if this has been posted before (and for the quality of the clip), but this gives me goosebumps every time I watch it ...



Well-Known Member
Back in the day when this song was written virtually everything was closed on Sunday and the world slowed down.  A man could contemplate his life on a day like that. This song reminds me of those days.


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