Also Kye and Roun have been a dominant pairing and you don’t mess with your CB’s at all if you can. Especially with an untested rookie as back up. Take the points on offer while they are there and don’t jeopardize them. Alot of the calls for Hall have been through excitement at an excellent prospect which is great but he is clearly behind that pairing (His time will come) and shouldn’t be in there just for minutes. It’s not what we are playing for (That is nothing against Hall he looks very good and his time will comeThis 1000% I think you've nailed Staj's nature as a coach. He's hyper organised, incredibly disciplined, intelligent, straight shooter and I'd guess no one works harder... but he has looked like he leans to being risk adverse, which is great until it's not. At times any and all things are necessary.
In the games where there was latitude and people wanted to see some minutes for Hall, you have to assume Staj didn't wasn't willing to accept any level of risk however minimal and just wanted to keep Ruon and Kye on to close out the matches.
Also i am not sure if it is Staj instructions or the teams confidence but when you compare the earlier season grind it wins against SFC and Bulls to some other games we have been going for the kill right to the end which has cost us points (As early as Nix and WSW really but we did have the right to be pushing in those games). Last night we seemed stuck between do we compress the field which is very dangerous against SFC but may have been a better option vs trying to kill them off and being exposed at the back.
This was evident with the Bouhman sub. He has not hesitated with the double sub and i saw them warming up together with no one else early in the 2nd half so Staj was definitely considering it but he went with Simon’s defense because offensively Urena was showing more with his breaking the line.
Staj clearly favours Simon’s defending in the box and rightly so he wins alot of vall there.
I am also thinking he’s working out who is capable and who is not. He now has his set players.
Janota and Casella have dropped out of the rotation and anybody else is getting minutes because of injuries.
The one weakness in the squad is a fast winger so i am surprised Hatch hasn’t gotten more minutes there.
He obviously is wanting the guys to learn to hold on under fatigue as well. You have heard him in a few press conferences talk about the other team having more possession but he wasn’t fazed because he felt they weren’t threatening. As fans we consider every attack threatening but we can see the tiredness creeping in. I’d love to know what he thinks with that. He is obviously in the keep going or can you buy me another 5 mins so i can move to the next plan. He certainly is not one to jump to early.
Who’d be a coach hey.