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The EPL thread


Well-Known Member
serious14 said:
If you're going to call that anything but a simulated attempt to draw a foul, then you're blind.  Carsley did not touch him.

he dives, but carsley's late and he's careless. if carsley doesn't lunge like that, ngog can turn inside. with the lunge he's stuck on the by-line. given there's a defender closer to goal, you've got to wonder what was going through carsley's head, quite frankly. ngog sees the opportunity and takes it.

if it comes to it, you *can* give a yellow card for a dive (unsporting conduct) and a penalty at the same time.

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
At the request of serious....

It'd be a very, very rare case when you award a FK + the dive - we had this discussion in the Adelaide match thread from the weekend.

You are correct that you can award a FK for an attempt to trip, but you can't tell me that the ref would've awarded the PK if his opponent stayed on his feet.

At this level you're not going to penalise players for a bit of a late tackle if it misses the opponent, doesn't affect play, and isn't a clear and blatant attempt to take him out.  A slide tackle that's a little late that the opponent jumps over without a problem will be looked at differently to a slide tackle made with studs showing, high, that the opponent JUST manages to jump over.

Play wasn't affected in the slightest by the lunge - he was going to run in a straight line anyway, so you can't claim that he could've turned in.

This was a dive, it's that simple; the referee was conned by a cheat.

Bit of a shame the referee was conned - while he wouldn't have been able to see the daylight, Ngog was actually behind Carsley when he started his circus act!


Well-Known Member
Atleast have some class and admit N'gog cheated to win the penalty, the .GIF in Serious' post is pretty clear cut, and there was _no_ way he was going to be able to cut inside running at that pace and have a shot, don't even need to look twice to work that one out. Carsely missed him, and while he was late, it wasn't criminal, matter of millimetres between his foot and the ball when N'gog goes down like he's been shot.

But nevermind that, Jeromes goal was just brilliant, wtf Reina was doing that far off his line escapes me, but the goal nonetheless was amazing. Liverpool continue to play crap, surely Rafa will get the boot if things don't turn around very very soon?

(P.S Dunno why you'd bring the Neill/Grosso thing into it - totally different, Neill actually made contact with Grosso, regardless of the sell factor involved)


Well-Known Member

Have to agree, just admit it was cheating, don't try to make it like Carsely tried to break his leg, and move on.


Well-Known Member
i said he dived.

read much?

dibo said:
serious14 said:
If you're going to call that anything but a simulated attempt to draw a foul, then you're blind.  Carsley did not touch him.

he dives, but carsley's late and he's careless. if carsley doesn't lunge like that, ngog can turn inside. with the lunge he's stuck on the by-line. given there's a defender closer to goal, you've got to wonder what was going through carsley's head, quite frankly. ngog sees the opportunity and takes it.

if it comes to it, you *can* give a yellow card for a dive (unsporting conduct) and a penalty at the same time.


Well-Known Member
dibo said:
read much?

Bit of horror, some sci-fi but mostly fantasy and speculative fiction

But to the point, you then tried to justify his dive by saying Carsley was late careless etc.  He was MILLISECONDS late(as I said previously, watch the .GIF, he was millimetres from the ball), and N'Gog went down like he'd been shot without being touched. You can't defend what he's done surely? (yeah, I read a bit, I read that you tried to justify the dive ;))

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
Players miss the ball all the time - and if Ngog jumped over the leg and continued his run I highly doubt you would've wanted a penalty then.

A lot of dives occur when the ball's been missed, doesn't mean there needs to be a free kick.  If that's the case then that would be encouraging cheats

Not Aloi$i FC

Well-Known Member
Capn Gus Bloodbeard said:
Players miss the ball all the time - and if Ngog jumped over the leg and continued his run I highly doubt you would've wanted a penalty then.

A lot of dives occur when the ball's been missed, doesn't mean there needs to be a free kick.  If that's the case then that would be encouraging cheats

Look, fwiw I agree. But I can see why it was given.

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
If the referee realised it was a dive, there's no way in the world he would've given it.  If you look at the referee's position though, he wouldn't have been able to spot the daylight (and neither would the AR) between the players, so I guess it's understandable he was conned (although from one angle it looks like Ngog was still behind Carsley when he jumped....)

There were far more convincing ways to dive in that situation.

Of course, some blame must lie with Carsley - you slide late, in the box, and you're playing with fire.  It's a bit like player's who have an arm outstretched to push their opponent in the back or pull their shirt then complain about a dive.  Well, maybe the did - but why did you give him the chance?

Not trying to take blame away from the cheats - I despise diving - and not trying to say you'd award a FK in that situation, but Carsley was an idiot for creating a situation where a dive could've occurred.  Well, moreso that he's an idiot for sliding late.  Stupid tackle, he was lucky that he missed then he was unlucky that he was tackling a cheat.

Here's hoping Ngog gets punished.

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
Deej said:


Good lord, that actually made it onto news.com.au


Well-Known Member
"A FOOTBALL fan obviously wanted a beautiful gleaning grin to match the so-called beautiful game he was watching."

Farken..piss off : )

Not Aloi$i FC

Well-Known Member
Sym said:
"A FOOTBALL fan obviously wanted a beautiful gleaning grin to match the so-called beautiful game he was watching."

Farken..piss off : )

The inclusion of the term "so-called" was most apt in this circumstance. It was tough football, but beautiful it was not.


Well-Known Member
Match of the Day if Mark Hughes had his way....

Gary Lineker: What a game that was. Lets get the thoughts of our panelists Alan Hansen and Alan Shearer.

Hansen: Great game. It had everything! Pace! Puuuuwooooor!

Shearer: Great game.

Lineker: Talk us through that first goal, Alan?

Shearer: Well basically, he's picked the ball up in the middle of the park and he's ran at the goal with the ball. The defender has attempted to stop him but he's gone around the defender and then he's faced with a one on one with the goalkeeper. He has then kicked the ball with his boot and the ball has gone past the goalkeeper and hIt the back of the net.

Lineker: Anything to add Mr Hansen?

Hansen: Some might say the defender was to blame there as he was out of position while busy texting his Mum but I just think he was unlucky to be facing such a world-class outfit.

Lineker: Eh, I do believe the defender earns more in a week than the attacker does in a year?

Hansen: Pace! Puuuuuwoooor!

Shearer: He's then ran back to the centre circle to prepare for the re-start and his team mates have followed suit. They then await the referee's whistle so they can...

Lineker: Alan you were a great defender in your day. This expensively-assembled team have now conceded 21 goals in their last four games. Just why is that?

Hansen: Not quite sure. But what I do know is Morrisons fruit and vegetables are unrivalled as the Norfolk coast provides a great sea breeze to create amazing soil conditions for growing. As for the farmers? Well let me tell you! They've got pace, determanation, agility and puuwoooor!

Shearer: ...and the whistle has gone for half time and the players have walked in the direction of the dressing rooms for their 15 minute break before coming out for the 2nd half to complete the remaining 45 minutes.

(Lineker looks at the camera, shrugs his shoulders and tucks into a packet of salt and vinegar.)


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