My "virtually 100% negative view of management" really only materialised in the lead up to the NSO game. Prior to that, I was prepared to cut MC quite a bit of slack. In fact, there's a post somewhere on these boards where I say I understand the need to take a couple of games south in light of the financial situation we are currently in. However, since the lead up the NSO, the BS coming being fed to the media, the free tickets, the hype etc, I have become much more circumspect about our current management.
In fairness to "extremists" like me, we play a vital role in ensuring that there is transparency in the direction moving forward. "Cheerleaders" (like you

) run the risk of having the carpet pulled from under your feet unless you question the motives of the decisions being made in the back office.
I don't see the OSC as being the be-all and end-all of fan engagement with the club. Sensible? Yes. Effective? No (imo). I've seen my fair share of businesses where lip service is paid to the worker (in this case, the fan) yet it's business as usual at the top. We've had numerous public forums where we've been able to voice our opinions and the club theirs… but, alas, here we all are, still bitching and moaning about management and other fans' attitudes etc.
Lawrie showed what true fan engagement can achieve. Couple a continuation of that approach with open and transparent dealings with Northern Sydney, then management would have my support. But I'm not going to put up with MC's response to the OSC's letter, particularly the line about 10-11 games being statistically the ideal number to drive revenue and that the fans run out of money towards the end of the season if there are more than that. Also, there is no link between the MC's investment in the CoE and MC's commitment to the Mariners remaining on Central Coast. Two games a year I can handle… MAX! Anything more than that, then yes… I'm going to kick up a stink!