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Socceroos vs Ghana @ SFS 23/5/08


Well-Known Member
Arise, Skipper Harry!


May 21 2008 15:45

PIM Verbeek has confirmed Harry Kewell will lead the Socceroos into battle in Friday's friendly with Ghana at Sydney Football Stadium.
To see Harry larking around at training today...

Kewell, who has seen little action in recent months, appeared full of running in what was a high octane training session at Parramatta Stadium on Wednesday.

"Harry will be the captain, no doubt about it, for this game," Verbeek revealed.

"(There is) no guarantee for the next few games of course but he has made the same impression like he did in Singapore.

"He's there, he's ready, he's doing very well for the group."

Verbeek admitted being pleasantly surprised by Kewell's fitness levels considering his recent lack of game time for Liverpool and insisted the 29-year-old would make more than a cameo appearance against the African powerhouse.

"We gave him a GPS (unit) yesterday, do you know what it is?" Verbeek asked the assembled media.

"I have one in my car," he joked.

"He had to do it on the field and he made an unbelievable amount of (ground), he did a lot of running, a lot of sprinting, his recovery was perfect.

"So I think he can play 90 minutes, it's up to him but I think it should be very good for him to play 90 minutes."

Verbeek would not be pinned down on his final starting XI for Friday's match but if Wednesday's scrimmage is anything to go by, Kewell is likely to be joined up front by Joel Griffiths and Mile Sterjovski.

Perth Glory striker Nikolai Topor-Stanley is the likely left-back and will be joined by Jade North, Michael Beauchamp, and Jacob Burns in defence, while James Troisi and Jason Culina will feature in the Socceroos midfield.

Culina, who has not played a competitive match for four weeks, has publicly expressed the view he would not be ready for Friday's friendly, but having seen him train this week, Verbeek is more optimistic.

"I think maybe he'll change his mind," Verbeek said.

"He's a player who doesn't need (lead-up) games because he's coming into the team and immediately knows what he has to do.

"Maybe the team needs him and maybe he's really ready, mentally also ready to play the game."

First-choice custodian Mark Schwarzer is a definite starter despite the fact he will not join his team-mates until Thursday.


Well-Known Member
bored said:
it says topor-stanley is a striker now

It would be safer to have him at that end of the field.  He was promising at State League level but hasn't lifted imho.


Well-Known Member
This is the only thing I can find in the way of the team lineup for tonight, from an article in the Telegraph


Verbeek will play a 4-2-3-1 formation, a back four of Nikolai Topor-Stanley, Michael Beauchamp, Matthew Spiranovic and Jade North mustering just 31 caps between them.

Mile Jedinak and Jacob Burns will shield the defence in midfield, with James Troisi, Mile Sterjovski and Harry Kewell the floating trio of attackers behind Joel Griffiths as spearhead.

Goalkeeper Mark Schwarzer is by far the senior player in terms of caps with 54, though Kewell gets the captaincy to organise and cajole the players further up the pitch.


Well-Known Member
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawd, it's game day muthaf*cka's!!!!!

FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRE UUUUUUUP!!!!!  :fireup: :fireup: :fireup: :fireup: :fireup: :fireup: :fireup: :fireup:


Well-Known Member
dibo said:
on crutches for the night... :(


;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


Well-Known Member
Kareem said:
i dont if Griffiths is a few gears quicker than Allsopp...better with the ball- yes but from what I hear I think they are about same speed. Allsopp was said to be the fastest MV player last year (Merrick)- faster than AT and Fred!
Apart from that- looks like interesting game- shame I cant go (playing)
I think 2-1 or 3-1 loss...which aint end of world!

I cn't see australia losing  to them without essien and muntari.  we have a good lookin side  but im more likely to say  a 1-0 win or 0-0 draw

and  i do hope griffiths gets taken out  some african players do have  records for  some quiet phenomenal tackles  just hope a good game from our Mile  which reminds me if we win 1-0  he will score the goal


Well-Known Member
serious14 said:
dibo said:
on crutches for the night... :(


;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

dibo needs not this help to get drunk. dibo needs only beer, because he is the greatest and drinks for australia. ;)


Well-Known Member
scottmac said:
Where are you guys sittin? Would be good to put faces to names.

Nowhere.  However, most of us are _standing_ :)P) in and around Bay 23, Bay 26 - the general Home End area. Try the KB pub from 5.30 onwards for the initial group of us.....

dibo said:
dibo needs not this help to get drunk. dibo needs only beer, because he is the greatest and drinks for australia. ;)



Well-Known Member
one good point about crutches - legitimately getting other people to go stand in the bar queue for me! ;D lollercrutches!

i'll be standing (i think) at the back of bay 22, you probably won't be able to miss me. will be drinking at the captain cook from sometime after 5 as sadly i'm really not up to doing foveaux st - no golden bullet takeaways for me today...


Well-Known Member
Crowd looks in good spirits and colour!  SFS stuff up by losing Ghanain national anthem! Ghana start at rate of knots - Jedi will have his work cut out in midfield, and Meggsy already in action.


Well-Known Member
kevrenor said:
Crowd looks in good spirits and colour!  SFS stuff up by losing Ghanain national anthem! Ghana start at rate of knots - Jedi will have his work cut out in midfield, and Meggsy already in action.

Answering myself .. all you lurkers out there! Too late for bots.

Half Time 0-0
Ghana looking very good.

Starting line-ups:

Australia: Mark Schwarzer (c); Michael Beauchamp, Jade North, Jacob Burns, Mile Jedinak, Joel Griffiths, Harry Kewell (c), David Carney, Adam Griffiths, James Troisi, Mile Sterjovski
Subs from: Nikolai Topor-Stanley, Danny Allsopp, Matt Spiranovic, Leigh Broxham, James Holland, Michael Petkovic (gk), Mark Bridge, Rodrigo Vargas, Chris Coyne

Ghana line-up: William Amamoo (gk); John Panstil, John Mensah, Anthony Annan, Laryea Kingston, Manuel Agogo, Prince Buabeng, Eric Addo, Badu Agyemang, Afful Harrison, Draman Haminu
Subs from: Derick Asamoah, Francis Dickou, George Owu, David Addy

Referee: Hajime Matsuo (Japan)

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