Just some clarifications and further points on this...
Kareem said:
some good points against the school Clarence.
But the problem isnt those...I would be happy if they were
the problem is their reasoning- its racist, not as rational as Clarence.
one resident, Kate McCulloch, said Muslims would not fit into the Camden community.
Kareem I'm neither for nor against such a school personally, and I have nothing to do with Camden, but was responding to points brought up by Dibo and had thought about it. I felt that I had something to contribute by offering alternative views that I saw may have been more closer to the reality of a Council decision.
Kareem said:
"The council said they rejected us because of traffic and zoning, but I think if we didn't have the backlash from the community then it could have ended very differently."
Can anyone 100% tell me they honestly believe the Camden's protest wasnt somewhat influential?
Oh you are quite right in your scepticism Kareem. I'm sure the protests and the mobilisation of the residents stirred up the Council, particularly heading towards a Council election this coming Saturday. But they found legitimate concerns about the proposed development and their reasoning can probably be tested in some Administrative Tribunal or Planning & Environment Hearing of some sort.
On the flip side, did the Quranic Society think they could build a school holding 1200 students in a small town without scrutiny and some emotive response if they didn't explain it well enough?
hasbeen said:
Just a small point here ... discrimination based on someone's religious persuasion is not racism.
It really depends upon the religion's view of itself and whether they view themselves as a separate race of people, and whether other people accept that view.
Jewish people tend to believe that they are a race of people, and in more recent historical times, they have the State of Israel to prove that this has been 'accepted' by others. Do Muslim folks view themselves as a race of people or as a religion, I dunno?
serious14 said:
A delightful reinforcement of how much a racist backwater we really are..... a damn shame. This country has so much potential.
By saying 'we' are you referring to Australia in general or us here for placing comments within this Thread about the issue down at Camden? I'm not sure that's all.
When they fire up that Collider, Serious, all this 'us vs. them' rhetoric will probably disappear into the same out of control black hole that the rest of the world is going to gurgle into, according to some crackpot. The only good thing about that scenario is that it will be the Froggies & Swiss down the plug hole first!

Blame the likes of Ursus, Bex and Atomic if this happens (all mad scientists the lot of 'em! ).
I'm quite content to leave it as is, but NOOOOOOOOOOO, they must push the envelope until they finally get the big bang, just so they can say,

, to the creationists.
Hopefully the Socceroos will have a chance to complete the game vs. Uzbekistan before the world turns itself inside out.....