I think it's even more unlikely than it was a year or two back.
The main reason is that we're now 11 months from the start of the new broadcast deal. All going to plan, it should bring us to a point where we stand a reasonable chance of breaking even on an ongoing basis. That isn't just a relief for MC, it also means prospective investors (or even all-out buyers) are less likely to be scared off by ongoing need for capital injections just to keep the doors open.
It opens the toolbox a little to offer some options on investing to recoup - marquee players start to get judged on whether they can deliver the sort of on-field performances that can generate an off-field return rather than whether they can put lipstick on a pig (Luis Garcia, come on down!). Additional investment in marketing, off-field football department staff and other things become real options rather than dream list items.
In a nutshell, it also means that the motivation to take drastic action and move markets is hugely reduced. The finish line is in sight for this deal and the cost to MC (or even FFA, if they're required to provide life support) to keep the thing going until the new deal is now less daunting.
Moving markets is risky, capital city market or not. Melbourne City barely ticked over as Melbourne Heart and the club still has a pitiful level of core support (sorry
There's basically nothing to suggest CCM would do better if transplanted - if anything it might well be worse; we have our own identity and a pretty parochial support base. That same parochialism makes us somewhat exclusive; people might be less keen to support a transplanted club than a brand new club. If we're 'moved', it's more likely that we simply get sunk and a new entity is created elsewhere.
We have seen that before - North Queensland out, WSW in. But FFA lucked in with WSW because there was a blindingly obvious self-identified market; they can't expect to have a 6-month lead-in and make it work so easily a second time around. It'd take longer and more care to get it right again.