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Season 2011- all things local thread


Well-Known Member
i'm happy as long as we play these games again not like last season ... i know we have been allocated times for 'rained out games'

very keen to finally start playing


Well-Known Member
Good to see CCF have made an effort to address the issue that arose last weekend with the notification that grounds are open or closed.

See the link


It is a bit rich though that the clubs, that regularly maintain and update their web sites to keep their members informed, have been criticised by CCF for doing so.

Maybe if CCF kept their web site relevant then the club sites and CCFs would be in sync.


Well-Known Member
Interesting email today from CCF regarding consumption of alcohol on Gosford Sportsgrounds. Will be interesting to see if clubs police this!!(see below) Although I dont really think it is up to the clubs to police it, more so Gosford Council

What happens to clubs that sell it!!! Kincumber has a licence to sell approved by the NSW Police and dept of gaming and racing provided the person serving has an RSA.

"To all Club Presidents and Secretaries,

This is a reminder from Gosford Council to both home and visiting teams:

Please ensure all teams are aware alcohol is not permitted to be consumed at any Gosford City Council sportsground."


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if anyone can help me.

I am currently playing in the MAA8 competition.

I have been getting very little game time due to a coach who thinks he is Alex Ferguson.

Does anyone know what am I entitled to? Am I enitiled to equal game time as anyone else?

Considering I am paying the club and we are in the lowest division, I don't think I should put up with this?

Anyone know anything?



Well-Known Member
I was wondering if anyone can help me.

I am currently playing in the MAA8 competition.

I have been getting very little game time due to a coach who thinks he is Alex Ferguson.

Does anyone know what am I entitled to? Am I enitiled to equal game time as anyone else?

Considering I am paying the club and we are in the lowest division, I don't think I should put up with this?

Anyone know anything?


I remember back in the junior grades that each player on the team sheet had to play at least half a game (how you police this as a referee is impossible) all age im not so sure. you would assume that because it is AA8 that common sense would prevail. but i don't think there is a concrete rule.

although im happy to be corrected :p

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
Those sorts of administrative rules in the juniors have nothing to do with the referee - it's up to the team to follow the rule. Failing that, the club should step in - failing that I'd imagine the complaint could be escalated to CCF who then should step in.

As for the AA issue at hand here, best suggestion is to have a chat to the coach - and if you have a team captain, maybe talk to him, try to get him to advocate for you.

If no love then you may have to have a chat with your club's senior rep. Going over the coach's head could potentially cause friction, but if you're left with no other choice then I'd say go for it.

For the amount of money you pay each season, you're right - you shouldn't be denied your fair amount of game time at this level.


Well-Known Member
Well, I found out with my club that you are enileted to equal time as everyone else.

Can you talk with the coach about it if you are not getting it, if that does work, then contact the senior rep of the club.

I should think that all clubs have a similar policy, it seems that they don't publish it, but all coaches should be aware of it.

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
You're not wrong hasbeen - there are a lot of games uncovered.

Coverage has definitely dropped off in the last few years - I wonder why? Are the comps expanding faster than the referees? If so, why?

Also, is there a ladder available anywhere?


Well-Known Member
There's a lack of Senior refs apparently, which are what are needed for Sunday games. As for tables, they are available on the CCF website under Competitions / 2011 Winter Comp > Draws & Results. Choose the Club and the Grade, tick the Show Results box, and there under the results and draw is a points table.

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
Cheers mate.

Hmm, quite a few fields closed today - here's hoping tomorrow's a little better.

I know Sunday's always been tighter on refs than Saturday, but I don't remember it being quite so drastic when I was last on the coast a few years back.

Still, nothing compared to the shortage of refs we have in Victoria - state league games without a referee, anybody?

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
Just following up - yeah, the referee shortage is quite severe. Referees should not be doing 3-4 games a day especially not when a first grade referee may be required to do 2 centres beforehand. It means the referee is going to be well below peak for all of those games (actually, years ago CCFRI sought advice from some sort of medico-legal professional and that resulted in a strict police to NOT appoint referees to that many games, for health, safety and insurance reasons!).

About5-6 years ago I remember having 90-100% coverage every Saturday, and probably about 70-90% coverage on Sundays. It seems that while the number of competitions on the coast has significantly increased since then, I'd guess that the overall number of available referees has dropped (just a guess, I couldn't be bothered counting the numbers).

So I wonder why referee recruitment has reached a plateau, even dropped - especially when the pay has increased a little?

I also wonder how many referees refused to officiate after the takeover by CCF - though that number is probably fairly small, if any.

Not a good thing for anybody involved - it seems that even the top panels are suffering a serious shortage of officials with enough experience to manage those matches.

what makes it particularly difficult is that not only have the number of competitions increased, but IMO the competitiveness of many grades, the lower ones in particular, has increased dramatically. I was amazed at how physical an O/35F match was last weekend, and even the AA8 was pretty intense.


Well-Known Member
Had my first trip to Umina Oval for quite some time yesterday.

What magnificent tennis courts!

What an abomination of a football pitch.

Clear to see where the money has gone on The Peninsula.


Well-Known Member
Had my first trip to Umina Oval for quite some time yesterday.

What magnificent tennis courts!

What an abomination of a football pitch.
Clear to see where the money has gone on The Peninsula.

Where exactly has the money gone on the Peninsula?

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