You do realise many people find the word "cnut" offensive right Wombat?
...and people still kill other people for "blasphemy". And other religious people are giving their lives trying to get "blasphemy" laws removed...
We don't have blasphemy laws. And people don't have to take offence to anything, especially not on the behalf of a purportedly omnipotent deity over what has become inconsequential common place slang.
If they find themselves so inclined, perhaps they should look to other parts of their doctrine for guidance that is a lot more conducive to a peaceful society where free speech is allowed.
"Good sense makes one slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook an offense."
"Do not take to heart all the things that people say, lest you hear your servant cursing you. "
Unless perhaps it's to take offence to having servants in the first place...
...or quite possibly what you must have done to them to make them feel they need to curse you.
And to get back on topic, what did that guy say about a good offence... because ours clearly still needs some work.