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Paul in or out no fence sitting

Paul’s position

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Well-Known Member
Too be fair Berry has had a fair few chances and hasn't grasped them and was absolutely woeful pre-season. His is also not a position that desperately needs fixing.
To be fairer almost the entirety of the team has been utter shite the bulk of the season.


Well-Known Member

Ben Cahn is a quality young coach. He had our Youth team playing very nicely indeed. Better orgainesd than any Mariners team i have seen since Arnie. Then the club in their f**king wisdom (apparently because he brought in too many Qld players ffs) sacked him and brought in Sully who knows f**k all but is one of Okon's puppets.
The results immediately declined and our loss was Olympic's gain.
Dont expect to see him back while Okon is at the helm.
But a Monty/Cahn duo certainly has some appeal.

He would certainly be a better 2ic than Greedy Jolic but Okon's ego might struggle.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, as time passes I'm expecting an Okon contract extension more and more

Does MC not check the results of our 49 person vote before making decisions???

Wait and see


Well-Known Member
Paolo, with Tom H out for the season and playing the top 4 teams in the final 5 rounds what adjustments or strategies do you intend to use to salvage even the slimmest dignity for the team this season?


Ancient Mariner

Well-Known Member
I am just wondering if Sun Tzen's "The Art of War" is compulsory reading somewhere in the coaching certificates.

If it is not it should be.


Well-Known Member
It is definitely not. I have passed it onto more than one coach, doing A licenses too.

I always wondered if Arnie read it. He especially espouses the whole
'to secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own hands, but the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself' section.

I asked Daniel McBreen if Arnie ever brought it up and he said he never did but pretty much followed that philosophy. He said for the first 3 months of Arnie coaching the Mariners they did nothing but defensive structures. He said that they were then told to go out and have fun in attack and do whatever felt right (which worked really well). But if they didn't do their job in the defensive structures they'd lose their place. That is:
'Sun Tzu said: The good fighters of old first put themselves beyond the possibility of defeat, and then waited for an opportunity of defeating the enemy.'

Maybe he did read it or maybe Guus H read it and Arnie picked it up through him


Well-Known Member
If ever there was any doubt........

Let's hope that there's a decision soon and some planning for next season.

At least then i think we as the fans will get behind the team for the games against Sydney and the Jets. It's heartbreaking really to not give a sh*t about those 2 games....i was really hoping they would be meaningful.

Psycho Chicken

Active Member
I know I'm stating the bleeding obvious here but unless we finish the season playing like Barcelona (...cough) Paulo's position is completely untenable. Warmsley got the chop because the club realised if they kept him on they would suffer the consequences at the turnstiles. Well, here we are again. It's the sensible (and cheap!) option to not renew Paulo's contract. If this club is to have a future, Okon can't be part of it.


Well-Known Member
I keep thinking that Okon has shown enough to suggest he could become a good coach, but he's also shown that he is intransigent tactically. That just has to overrule his potential right now. Good on you for playing some pretty football at first, you failed to adapt when it was found out. Unless you come out and openly state and prove you are willing to change, you simply aren't needed here. It's not what the players, club, or fans need.


Well-Known Member
Really? Are you saying the performance wasn’t embarrassing??
I was saying that the team is a flogged horse and to expect anything better than sharted undies is ludicrous. I sure as buggery wouldn't have burnt a couple hundge flying to Melba to see them and thus wouldnt expect a refund for the performance displayed.
I was tipping 4-0, so technically they did pay overs....
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