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My software is up for an award...would love your votes :D


Well-Known Member
Hey all, I have a request. My software, JigSpace, is up for an Auggie Award. It's the biggest award you can get in the augmented reality industry, and it's super exciting for us to be nominated. We're 100 votes shy of making the shortlist for Best App, so if you have 10 seconds, I'd love your votes :D

It's super easy to vote:
1) Go here - https://auggie.awardsplatform.com/entry/vote/KAgOlNAo/ZLglmEqr
2) Click Vote.

Done. One click, no sign-up, 10 seconds. Would greatly appreciate your votes!!

A bit more about us - JigSpace is a platform for creating and sharing knowledge in 3D. Think of it like PowerPoint meets Wikipedia, but floating right in front of you. If that makes no sense, this video will help:

I started this in 2015, we've raised money from the US, released our iOS app, and now have over 450k users. It's probably the dumbest/hardest/most rewarding thing I've ever done :)

Oh also if you have an iPhone 6s or newer, you can get our app here - JigSpace iOS App


Well-Known Member
Thanks all, we've had a big boost to our votes and we're about 15 off the position we need :D Good work, appreciate it!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the votes everyone, we’re a good 15 votes clear in 5th place with a week to go. Top 5 are automatic finalists, so we’re in a good position! I’ve updated my sig with the details (cheers PiratePete), and I’ll let you know how it goes!


Well-Known Member
Update on proceedings: We got upwards of 500 votes which is massive, can’t thank you all enough for pushing it out to everyone :) The voting was incredibly easy to rig (open an incognito tab in your browser and you could vote as many times as you liked). A few other entries above us used that, but we decided not to chase it that way. We ended up 7th, so we didn’t make the top 5 automatic finalists. Still, there is a chance for selection as the judges can choose a 6th entry at their discretion. I genuinely believe we’re one of the best apps released in XR, we’re in with a chance. Regardless, it’s a huge effort from everyone, I’m incredibly proud of the work my team has done, it was basically three of us for almost three years and it’s just starting to bear fruit. Also, thanks again to all of you. Really appreciate the votes and well-wishes!!!

The OTHER news is, for me, even more exciting. As much as public recognition is great, being able to pay my bills and my employees’ is even better :D

In April, we applied for the AR Online Global Pitch Event. It’s a competition to choose the best startups from anywhere in the world to pitch their companies to a selection of 30+ of the worlds biggest investors in the augmented/virtual reality space. 241 startups applied, 8 finalists were selected - JigSpace is one of them. From 11.30pm Tuesday to 4.30am Wednesday this week I’ll be pitching online to 30+ investors, which is very exciting/nerve wracking. Then, next week I travel to the US and pitch live on stage at Augmented World Expo. That should be fun, there’s about 7k attendees.

The BEST part of this is that we’ve been signalled to investors as one of the very best AR startups in the world, we’ll be in front of them, and they have their cheque books open. We’re deep in our fund-raising mission, with over 500k committed (should finalise this week) of a total 1.2m we’re raising. I have at least two meetings a week with investors and as soon as we were able to say we’re in this pitch event, every single one has said they’d like to invest in us haha. It’s insane how attractive you are when others want you. SO, looks like we’ll finish our raise, I’ll be able to hire and pay more people, JigSpace will go onwards, upwards.

Here’s an early draft of our pitch, by the way. Still have a few things to tighten up and a slide or two to add, but this is the gist of it. Note: This video is unlisted so don’t share it around too much ;)

Big Al

Well-Known Member
Congratulations. Great to see Aussies showing the rest of the world how it’s done.

All your hard work paying off. Just make sure there is still plenty if shares left for you after the capital raising :cheers:

Well done mate

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