tuftman said:
4 consecutive posts, I'm impressed
So am I! (So impressed I'll bother replying)
As I've said Ursus, I am comfortable with those running the club actually doing so at this early stage of the club's history. They are carrying the risk. Football clubs in Australia have run into problems in the past and this A-League has not been without failures either.
As I've also said, my risk is only the cost of the season ticket, but that doesn't mean I am content to see the club meander around mid field on the ladder with ineffective players all the time, I want an improvement. And I am prepared to say as such.
The Mariners have attached themselves to the community and I can see the pride in the club when their stocks are high, within the Coast Community. Likewise, if they end up also rans, that pride goes down. In good times, we proudly call ourselves Coasties, and strive to work out ways to live AND work here, on bad days, we are just a supplementary workforce for Sydney and Newcastle and our society's stats are squeezed up or down the Coast as the bureaucrats see fit.
This area deserves better for the great football talent we have here. You really should take a look at Pluim and other suburban grounds to see what's on offer with youngsters really trying to emulate what the Mariners do and the way Football has lifted in this area because of the A-League, Ursus. A whole generation of young players have been inspired by the A-League and the Mariners, and in return the Mariners give back, what? Well, the ACL could have been a great way to showcase the area to not only the rest of Australia, but Asia too, but they blew it, big time.
IF (a bloody big 'if', but I'm talking hypothetically here ) I ever had the money to consider investing in a Football club, Lyall would be high on my list of people to call, believe me. As we'd be talking in the millions here that is very VERY unlikely to happen these days unless I win a huge amount on Lotto or the like. But yes, Ursus I'd love to have some sort of investment of a sizeable nature in the Mariners.
About your season 5 - no guarantees, comment. I raised the issue of relocation ages ago and I think it was people like you who were saying "oh no couldn't/wouldn't happen" , so I am very aware of the fact that after season 5 things change and it becomes more competitive to stay in the A-League. If you didn't make that sort of comment then I apologise for the inference. But the point there is Ursus, that the club has not made known it's reasons for why they ran a very uninspiring ACL campaign. If you read my above post very carefully, I said:
clarence said:
For example, the club may have had some very valid reasons for running the ACL campaign as they did, but they did not communicate that to the fans if so, and they deserved the brickbats that were thrown at them.
So, I was offering up the likelihood of there being reasons for such a poor recruitment for the ACL, based on the inference of business prudence, but also saying that if they keep things secret they'll end up getting negative comments.
If I had an investment in the Mariners, and put my money where my mouth is, I'd stay around to hear the crowd's comments too. I notice that Lyall and McKay do that a fair bit, btw. They don't lock themselves up in the Chairman's Lounge too much when games are on at Bluetongue. I probably wouldn't like some of the comments, that's true, but I'd appreciate the candour of some of the comments here, and judging by what Lyall said publicly, he does too. We can't always be "Mariners, clap clap clap" type of supporters.
The A-League clubs and the FFA seem to keep the supporters' clubs at a distance. My response was to Arabmariner's contrary comments about the workings of Dundee United, what's the problem there Ursus? I noted the downside of this detachment, being that folks end up saying "OK I can only react on what I see if you tell us nothing, don't be surprised if there's some negativity"
Dundee's supporters seemed to have mobilised themselves to have a say in the business of the club, and I guess there's other clubs around the world who have supporters group being syndicated and investing in the club they love. Not a bad concept, but as I said, the A-League clubs ' structure is one of franchise holding and those that put up the initial bid for the licence have the board. I am not sure if an A-League club would welcome an investment from their supporters' group at this stage, but if you are curious enough, ask Lyall or PT the question next time you see them.
As for whether any here would want to run the club or, as you state 'seems to be many here who know how to run a club better than our present management', well, maybe there are some people running a business already who'd be quite capable of running it?
Was impressed the other day reading one of our regular posters' academic CV in economics when he replied to Dibo's boast of doing his Masters, and there seems to be others running businesses already.
Quite a diverse bunch of people here Ursus, and by making that comment in a slurred way, tends to get up other people's noses rather than mine.
I have my own chunk of capitalistic endeavour to concern myself with, and it is doing OK, and similar sarcastic comments from folks like you, tends to be water off a duck's back to me. If there are people who think they can run the club why does it bother you that much anyway Ursus, should only annoy the Board members.
At least we have some people who have had some
real world 
experiences and who are prepared to say something is bollocks when they think it is so.
Get the fishing rod out Ursus, the fish are calling. Oh, and if you see Nik Mrdja out on the water, could you tell the oxygen thief to get back to training..... ;D