Absolutely brilliant result.
Danny deserves nothing less.
That said, a two month ban, a ten thousand dollar fine, media profiling, and two months of gut wrenching emotional heartache... certainly implies there is still a strong punishment in place to me... Yet some people clearly feel that unless it follows the "Laws" exactly as written down, then its tantamount to giving the ok to violent conduct.
I'm sincerely surprised at the number of people who feel that what has occured with Danny's reduced sentence sends such a mixed message or shows tolerance towards bad conduct. I must be crazy, because I'd be nothing less than staggered to hear that any player in the A league isn't thinking by now, holy shit, after what Vukovic just went through, there's no way I'm touching a ref!
There is much talk of "consistency" and if that means anyone who offends should be made to answer for what they have done, of course. Yet a blanket execution of pre ordained punishments does not reflect consistency. In actuality it represents primitive law. What strikes me - if you'll forgive the pun ;D - is that some people, seem to see the nature of "law" as simply a static and inflexible set of rules and punishments. The purpose of the law is not to punish, it is to serve and protect...and to best meet these demands, most of the worlds legal systems have evolved via the understanding that to be truly fair and just the law by nature needs, like a living creature, to be able to respond to the particular situation or circumstance that is being brought before it. It is firm in structure and guidelines, yet essentially organic in process. AND FOR GOOD BLOODY REASON. Laws are the neccessary guidelines through which we maintain fair governance, practices and conduct, yet laws are not full proof and nor should they be treated as such. The legal system understands this. It is the reason the appeals system exists -- so that new evidence may be considered - or further relevant information or circumstances which may also have baring on the particular application of a law, and the severity of a punishment can be considered to best achieve a fair and just outcome. The ability to appeal and modify a sentence is one of the greatest facets of law and I find the hard line blanket justice approach a depressing idea which belonged to the middle ages where it was most fervently applied.
Danny knows he was wrong, he expresses great desire to atone and change (The most altruistic purpose of punishment) he has suffered, and he will continue to suffer through the further punishment that has been meted out... Yet also through consideration and obviously long and careful assessment one of his greatest dreams has not been denied to him, and I believe this is a wonderful piece of justice and cause for great celebration - and certainly not righteous indignation, or zealous condemnation.









