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Mariners Vs Nix


Well-Known Member
adz said:
bikinigirl said:
. can't believe nobody has mentioned those pale blue ponchos - they were a disgrace

. the bay looke like the marinators had been infiltrated by the cove

was going to mention this, thanks for reminding...

don't blame the people wearing them, they bought them at the CCLC.

common sense transplant for the person ordering the 'emergency ponchos' to get yellow next time pls!

. don't get me wrong was not criticising those wearing them, simply wasn't a good look

. and definitely something the club should try to make sure is not repeated


Well-Known Member
Taylor said:
kevrenor said:
mariners4evachamps said:
The only problem about Jedi is that he will miss next week semi final due to picking up another  :yellowcard: last night!

No we checked that before the media conference ... according to the mighty Ben Coonan only Saso or Hutch would have if they had picked up another yellow, or someone got a straight red.  All other cards are wiped going into the finals. 

The FFA site is alas pretty poor in regards to giving clarity to these things.

So Jedi is playing next week?

Not according to every media outlet in the country, they all say gonsky for the first game....


Well-Known Member
jaypee said:
Taylor said:
kevrenor said:
mariners4evachamps said:
The only problem about Jedi is that he will miss next week semi final due to picking up another  :yellowcard: last night!

No we checked that before the media conference ... according to the mighty Ben Coonan only Saso or Hutch would have if they had picked up another yellow, or someone got a straight red.  All other cards are wiped going into the finals. 

The FFA site is alas pretty poor in regards to giving clarity to these things.

So Jedi is playing next week?

Not according to every media outlet in the country, they all say gonsky for the first game....
Links here please? 

I'd put my money on Ben.


Anyone notice Ceccoli's passsing last night was atrocious. I counted at one stage in the 1st half he didn't find his targert 9 times out of ten while not under pressure & with an easier option availible.

Nothing annoys me more than a defender with time, that continually insists on the long difficult ball & hands over possession more often than not.


Well-Known Member
serious14 said:
marinersman said:
How about Tommy? He runs like a 21 year old not a 31 year old. The amount of ground he covered tonight was amazing, he was everywhere. He is the only man I'd like to wake up next to in the morning.

He's mine pal, don't even think about it.  :p

His fitness is all the more amazing considering he partakes in the occasional cigarette here and there.   And he's still the best centre back, sweeper, winger, and midfielder in the team.  Multi task extrordanaire.

OK Serious, he's all yours mate. If you ever break up with him though, can you let me know? ;)


Well-Known Member
serious14 said:
Just watched the second goal on Fox....... some absolute, complete and utter douchebag with a Jets scarf was trying to get in the camera shot when the boys were celebrating on the sideline.   Do those bogan f*cks have nothing better to do on a Saturday night??   F*ckin' hell, honestly - why are they so completely and utterly sh*t at everything they ever do??   Did this idiot not just realise that he'd been relegated to no better than second on the table??

I was just down there watching the game lads. Supporting the League.

Top game by Tommy P. He has a massive work rate

Top crowd for the non stop rain.

Cant wait for the derby's over next 2 weeks


uncleyellow said:
It is a hard call for me on the MOM, Jedi, tommy P both were majic. Tommy P was a key for us in that performance. We also cant disregard Aloisi's performance, Lawrie wanted an extra 10 out of his injured and swolen knee (master stroke Lawrie!), and he gave the ten minutes in spades..

Sasho lifted too I thought tonight. Hutcho was solid as usual.

Matty Simon will come good for sure,we just need to help him out with his confidence, and he needs to spend hours and hours, keeping that ball down at training.
:goodpost: :thumbup:


Well-Known Member
uncleyellow said:
Matty Simon will come good for sure,we just need to help him out with his confidence, and he needs to spend hours and hours, keeping that ball down at training.

he could do worse than study kwasnik - that finish for the sealer at the death was a beauty.


Well-Known Member
dibo said:
uncleyellow said:
Matty Simon will come good for sure,we just need to help him out with his confidence, and he needs to spend hours and hours, keeping that ball down at training.

he could do worse than study kwasnik - that finish for the sealer at the death was a beauty.

Also another player that Lawrie showed patience with when a lot of people thought he wasn't up to it.


Well-Known Member
taxman said:
dibo said:
uncleyellow said:
Matty Simon will come good for sure,we just need to help him out with his confidence, and he needs to spend hours and hours, keeping that ball down at training.

he could do worse than study kwasnik - that finish for the sealer at the death was a beauty.

Also another player that Lawrie showed patience with when a lot of people thought he wasn't up to it.

5 goals for the year too (all from open play i think), even though it's been interrupted by injury and illness. i don't think he's hit his best either by a fair whack. he's got more in him.

that goal against welly last time at home off the outside of the boot was clarsh.


Well-Known Member
I thought even in the early games when he was playing well it would only be short periods and then he would go missing. Last year he ran his clacker out for the full 90. Maybe he isn't as buggered and has more oxygen in his brain in front of goal.


Well-Known Member
How Good was Kwassie's goal!! There have been better this year, but he kept his head and the ball down under big pressure. 

I was lucky enough to give our mate Harper a bit of stick during and after the game.  ;D ;D
We were sitting in an open box right under the commentary team, around the 88th or 89th minute on the foxtel telecast you can hear them both go quiet for a while... :piralaugh:

We had made a sign up and banged it hard on the window in fornt of him and cockers...it said..."where's the wooden spoon now Harper!!"...  :thumbup:

Then as they did their after game talk with their backs to the ground I managed to get my big Mariners FC banner up behind them in Camera shot while they were talking shite, I havent seen their after game talk so I dont know if it got aired or not.
There was about 20 or 30 of us left by then and we all started signging very loudly right beneath them, staring them in the eye.. "Harper takes it up the arse...do dah.. do dah..." for about 2 minutes while he and Cockers had a good laugh at themselves...

Our sentiments to have been passed on in person now!!!

PRIDE OF NSW!!! CCMFC :pirashoot: :pirashoot: :pirashoot:
Timmyv said:
serious14 said:
Just watched the second goal on Fox....... some absolute, complete and utter douchebag with a Jets scarf was trying to get in the camera shot when the boys were celebrating on the sideline.   Do those bogan f*cks have nothing better to do on a Saturday night??   F*ckin' hell, honestly - why are they so completely and utterly sh*t at everything they ever do??   Did this idiot not just realise that he'd been relegated to no better than second on the table??

I was just down there watching the game lads. Supporting the League.

Top game by Tommy P. He has a massive work rate

Top crowd for the non stop rain.

Cant wait for the derby's over next 2 weeks

I heard that Kwaso dedicated his goal against the jest to Timmyv since he obviously enjoyed his last goal so much !

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