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Mariners squad HAL 10 ~ 2014/15


Well-Known Member
You do understand that NOTHING changed in the transition and it was perhaps the pre loaded fitness prior to the transition that was the determinate factor? I believe they were using the same planned program since the start of pre-season, these things are not made up on a week to week basis.
Too much of a coincidence for me.. We had an unbelieveable run under Clarkies command! Then BOOM players pulling up way before the end of the game and injuries..

Big Al

Well-Known Member
Are you kidding! I remember just after he joined the back 4 would be pulling up from the 70-80th minutes!! Ando, Storm and Tesco had significant issues finishing 90 minutes not long after he joined! We're just lucky it wasn't anything too serious like what happened to Flores.
I think you will find Storm & Ando had those problems from day 1.
I think the reason for that was regular game time at a level not played at previously or for a while.
Storm just plain ran out of gas mid season. That was due to a young guy being asked to do a workload he'd never done before at a level he had never achieved. IMO no sports doctor could have fixed that.
Ando was fighting to regain a starting position in the A League. I think stress as much as pysical fitness played a part. Also bigger lads take a while to get going. There bulk leads to them tiring earlier.
Bosnar was also unfit when he arrived & took time to adjust

I think Tim did a good job but much like Mossy was part handed it. This year they both start fresh from day 1 so we will get a clearer picture.

To me there are two sorts of fitness. Match fit & not match fit. How do you get match fit - Play matches. All the laps in the world help but nothing recreates the fitness of a match like playing a match.


Well-Known Member
To me there are two sorts of fitness. Match fit & not match fit. How do you get match fit - Play matches. All the laps in the world help but nothing recreates the fitness of a match like playing a match.
Less true these days. Football conditioning work should never be just laps, it should be conditioning the body to do what it does when it's playing football. You're never jogging laps during the 90 minutes, so you should never be jogging laps at training. You are making sprints for the ball, for a tackle, jogging sideways and backwards, jumping, lunging, etc. The practices at training should have your body replicating its movements during the game, and there should be a ball involved so the motivation is the same. It should be competitive so you're used to always competing.

When Ange took his first pre-season at Brisbane, he apparently had them basically playing small-sided games for months on end, raising the intensity further and further. They came into the season razor sharp and super fit and took everyone by storm.

That's not to trivialise the role of their S&C people; they've got to manage the players' bodies to ensure that twinges and soreness don't deteriorate and make sure that players who need some form of special attention get it, and simply manage workloads. Some bodies can do more than others in a training program, some need specialised recovery programs between sessions, some need particular strength work, etc. But it's all about having the body ready to play football at a high level.

Roy Law

Well-Known Member
I see four Mariners have made it to the squad for the Juve junket...
You misunderstood.
I didn't mean they could tackle. I meant they are tough in the exchange. They don't just roll over when challenged.
That's OK; I just like getting nostalgic for the old days :)

true believer

Well-Known Member
The Japanese were leading against Cote d'Ivoire, despite their size. What cost them was tactics, not size.

Chile competed well with Netherlands, who were physically imposing, and Brazil who were brutal - making WSW look like choirboys - taking the home side to penalties.

I can't see how size was a factor, or else you'd have picked big sides to win every game. Germany were the biggest squad and won the tournament, but as I said B&H were the 2nd biggest and did f**k all. Doesn't seem that great a predictor of success.

Holland never went the knuckle , brazil were a dirty side , but as the germans showed , show ponys , flat track bullies. nothing more .
Wsw would have shown more back bone than brazil . as would of east Gosford A grade , shit even Kariong u10's have more bone than brazil.
I've neither said size is every thing . but you need some balance in your side (and ticker)

Roy Law

Well-Known Member
I am happy with Tim Knight, the more so because I am unhappy with Clarkie going; I like the fact that he was promoted from within, a bit like producing players for the first team through the NYL. If he wasn't up to it Moss would have shifted him as he did with Patrick.


Well-Known Member
Ah, the lost art of tackling (sigh), when men were men and tippy toed ballet dancing posers were nervous. You didn't get any of that stick your arse out and make no attempt to play the ball nonsense because you would end up flat on said arse on the ground with a sore ankle, or two, for good measure. Since FIFA issued a world wide ban on aggressive play the hard men have been in decline (another sigh). Monty can tackle, Bosnar too, but the rest just run around and stick out a toe or grab a shirt. Fitz and Trif are eager hard working players who will give everything they have but they can't tackle for toffee. As for Amini, I just hope his German education has shown him how because he could not tackle when he left Bluetongue.


Roy, you've reminded me of this hilarious article from some time ago:

The way football should be!

I'm feeling all angry about these modern day footballers, I know why they have gone all soft - It's because of poncy names. That's what it is.

Remember in the old days, when footy players kicked a f---ing ball made out of ten pound of clay stitched inside a steel-reinforced leather shell with laces made out of piano wire? Well, in them days players could only survive the rigours of the game because they were called things like Albert, Arthur, Bert, Harry, Bill, Eddie, Bob, Jack and Tommy. F---ing tough names for tough men, them was.

And what do we have now? Jason, Wayne, Dean, Ryan, Jamie, Robbie. F---ing tarts' names, they are. Great big f---ing softies. No wonder the ball's like a f---ing balloon and shin pads is like slices of bread.

In the old days you never saw a Len Shackleton or a Billy Wright with a soft little piece of plastic down his little thin socks. F---ing shin pads in them days was made out of library books, and socks was like sackcloth.

Same with the jerseys. f---ing shirts with holes in now so they can breathe. Yes, so that little Jody's hairless chest can breathe and he doesn't get a chill. F--- off. Stanley Matthews used to dribble round Europe's finest wearing a f---ing tent and shorts cobbled together from the jacket of his de-mob suit. Aye, he f---ing did. No wonder players fall over all the time whenever an opponent comes anywhere near them.

And they never used to show their arses at one another either. Can you imagine what might have happened if Don Revie had flashed his ring at Nat Lofthouse during a City-Bolton Wanderers game? He'd have got one of them size-10 hobnail f---ers up his bastard chuff.

F---ing therapy for stress my arse! Stan Collymore slaps his missus about and he takes three seasons off with stress counselling. What the f---is that all about? In the old days it was expected for footballers to belt the old sow about a bit, specially after a bad defeat. And the women used to expect it, and so they should have. They was lucky to be married to footballers.

Ha! Trevor Morley got a kitchen knife in his back off his wife and was out of action for three month. Soft twat. Archie McShitt of Port Vale got run over with horse and cart one Friday night and he still turned out against Bradford the following day. And he scored two goals. That's cos his name wasn't "Trevor". Good old Archie. Broke his hip, both his legs, murdered his wife and buried her under the patio and still made the England team for the Home Internationals. Did he have any "stress counselling"? Did he bollocks!

And drugs? There was none of that in the old days. Oh, no. In them days it was a quick shot of morphine before kick-off and you was lucky if you got that. By half-time it had all but wore off so they pumped you full of laudanum. None of this cocaine sniffing and shooting up class A narcotics.

I know. Me dad told me.

Goal celebrations? Don't talk to me about goal celebrations. Crawlin’ on the floor and thrusting their hips at the crowd. Huh! I'd like to have seen Cliff Bastin do that after a run down the left flank and crossing for Alex James to fire home a winner. Handshakes...and that was all got.

Sixty grand a f---ing week! Ha! I wouldn't pay 'em tuppence. Two bob Tommy Lawton used to get...a month! And Tom Finney still worked as a plumber four days a week when he was playing for England. It's true, you know. F---ing is. Players had to work them days just to make up their money. Not like today. Stan Pearson had to clean sewers and doubled up as Old Trafford shithouse cleaner. He had to go off during one game because some bastard had built a log cabin and blocked the U-bend. And that Eddie Hapgood was a male model...though he never liked to talk about it.

So I say we start calling kids real male names again.

If you're having a kid, don't even consider soft names and shite names like what people call their kids these days. Otherwise what we gonna get in twenty years' time? The England team full of players called Keanu, Ronan, Ashley and f---ing Chesney. F--- that! Call your kids Alf, Herbert, Len, Frank, Fred and Wilf. And let's get the softies out of the game once and for all.

I thank you.
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Well-Known Member
I've neither said size is every thing . but you need some balance in your side (and ticker)
When you said:
skill didn't help the Japanese at the world cup . all things in proportion
you were reducing the discussion down to size.

The Japanese were shit because they didn't have a go. The Chileans were smaller, but they did have a go, and they probably deserved a spot in the quarters over Brazil.

This World Cup was less about size than it was about having quality (duh) but also having tactical flexibility and an aggressive intent to win. Teams that wanted to take the games on and had multiple routes to goal got results. Teams that faffed about or were one-dimensional got nowhere.

Coming back to the topic of the thread, our primary flaw last year was not having quality possession, leading to players being unwilling to make attacking runs because nobody wants to be caught out of position as possession is lost behind them and the opposition can create overloads. That lack of attacking runs denied us attacking options. We became one dimensional (or worse, completely impotent).

In past years, our strength in controlling and consolidating possession meant people were keen to gamble, knowing that we wouldn't give the ball up cheaply and so we created multiple routes to goal.

That didn't mean we had more ball than the opposition, but when we had it we had purpose. If when you have the ball you're creating lots of chances, it doesn't matter if the opposition has the ball more than you as long as you score more than them. Better to scare people on the break than bore them to death. On the flip-side, if you have all the ball but no purpose, you get nowhere. See Japan.


Well-Known Member
Have to agree with PP. When was the last time we had any news that was worth truly getting excited about? Always tends to be ho-hum


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Australian club Central Coast Mariners have signed Senegal forward Malick Mané, 25, on a season-long loan deal from Sweden's IFK Göteborg.

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