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Mariners Squad 2023/2024


Well-Known Member
I think that's the difference in opinions in this thread, and it's probably semantics, but not that bad is hardly shining.

Solid but uninspiring is how I usually describe him. He's doing a job but you always get the impression he is leaving a bit in the tank (especially in and around the 6 yard box).
He's almost been like a first season international transfer, I reckon he'll be back in form next season.


Well-Known Member
When he Bradbury's into the GF side and wins it for us there are people on here who will look silly. #TeamDWH
I’ve been saying it from the start, for all of Jacko’s brilliance this season, it’s mind blowing DWH hasn’t been given atleast a 2nd crack at holding down spot. He’s a tidy forward, he showed it at Brisbane and in patches at western.

How many chances did Wilson get….


Well-Known Member
I suspect part of him never getting a shot at redemption is 'encouraging' him to look for a move with a mutual release. With Auckland and potentially Canberra spinning up he may have some options. Brutal for him to play very little football these last two seasons.
He was so unlucky with injury last season after joining, Monty loved him and was telling Staj to sign him a few seasons back.

I still remember talking to DWH on the fence during the GF celebrations and he just kept saying how keen he was to show his value to the fans this current season knowing Dingo was to leave.

We can’t really diss Jacko’s decision at this point in time given our huge success this season. Just sucks for DWH, I suppose.


Well-Known Member
Maybe I am wrong, but I always through that DWH was not a good striker, but could have been a great 10.

The only real thing he had going for him as a striker was speed.... he was way to small to win balls in the air close to the goal, nor not get knocked off the ball..... IMO he was not always drifting and moving around the front, which is was is needed in someone of his size....

But as a 10 he could have wandered all over the place come in on loose balls etc.... maybe a wide mid as well...

Sometimes and he is one, IMO, where a coach and player pick the wrong position and they never reach their potential....


Well-Known Member

1. We'd need to replace Hall.
2. and Vuka
3. Faz, if he leaves, will be replaced by Maruagis
4. Doka could cut inside or overlap, same with Roux but I feel like Doka's left foot is better than Roux's.


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Well-Known Member

1. We'd need to replace Hall.
2. and Vuka
3. Faz, if he leaves, will be replaced by Maruagis
4. Doka could cut inside or overlap, same with Roux but I feel like Doka's left foot is better than Roux's.


It’s just way too hard to know who will be here next season. Like last off season we lost players I didn’t think we would.


Well-Known Member

1. We'd need to replace Hall.
2. and Vuka
3. Faz, if he leaves, will be replaced by Maruagis
4. Doka could cut inside or overlap, same with Roux but I feel like Doka's left foot is better than Roux's.


Where is King Niz?


Well-Known Member
* With ACL duties I reckon we will seek another starting CM with Steele remain as the utility.

* I reckon Edmo will be given every chance in preseason to connect with 3/4 new players behind him that can feed and flick balls to him.

* But how good would it be if we kept Kaltak & Nizzy new offer + a new creative and a winger with Angel peak form piercing runs.


Paul - Offload
Wilson - Offload

Wish List:
Barcellos (Loan)


Well-Known Member
Is there any word on the financial incentives we may receive for being in the Asian Champions League? Hopefully that could help us tie down more of the squad and or replace them adequately.

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