Forum Phoenix
Well-Known Member
Hahhahaahahaaaa! Thats hilarious! So much so I'm leaving it there.
What may at a glance look like something about pooing mariners, is in fact....
The yellow fonts a little on the hard to read side ;D
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Pretty sure we'd all love to see Blue tongue packed to the rafters. There are some good heads on here and so I thought why not think tank a few ideas for promoting our games? I realise this is done by CCM etc etc... but worth a play still I thought...
What I know to be covered
(please add to the list if you know of something else that is regular or significant)
*CCM already seem to cover radio well - ads and appearances.
*They also seem to do fairly regular team appearances at various commnunity events and or locations.
*They get plenty of print in the local rags - though some content that isn't just a repetition of everything that any half serious fan already knows would be nice for a change!
* Also the odd members and fan days/ chrissy picnic etc
This is good...
But... if your like me and talk to a lot of people, you'd get the feeling that for a relatively small community, most people are still not very aware of even when our next game is coming up. For members this obviously isn't an issue. But as we are still a long way from filling our ground with members I thought someone may have a little gem of an idea somewhere that who knows may even end up being picked up or helping out...
For mine, I think the CCM should have a nicely wrapped car like the Radio promo ones that drive around everywhere, (with a gorgeous girl or two in it of course) giving away some tattoos, stickers beer holders etc - and a few tickets, and constantly plugging the team and their next match. Their radio partners should broadcast their locations as they drive around to the local grounds on weekends, shopping centres and car parks etc... I've heard the radio cars giving away tickets and plugging the game, but this is not like having your own Mariner Mobile which would be way cooler.
I also liked the latest promo box and signs of the Rhinos at Erina Fair - and think something of a similar vein would be well worth it.
Little help here?
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