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"I for one welcome our insect overlords" - The Politics Thread

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
The Trump cultists are really out in force trying to claim that Harris was earing audio earrings in the debate.

Well, them and/or the Russian trolls/bots. Feeding into the persecution fetish they've had since the 'stolen election' claims.

Hello Sailor

Well-Known Member
The Trump cultists are really out in force trying to claim that Harris was earing audio earrings in the debate.

Well, them and/or the Russian trolls/bots. Feeding into the persecution fetish they've had since the 'stolen election' claims.
Her response should be to challenge him to another where she wont wear earrings. He doesn't have the balls or the smarts to do it.
Re dog and cat eating; Its amazing that someone with an inability to discern fact from fiction had a finger on the nuclear trigger for four years.

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
Her response should be to challenge him to another where she wont wear earrings. He doesn't have the balls or the smarts to do it.
Re dog and cat eating; Its amazing that someone with an inability to discern fact from fiction had a finger on the nuclear trigger for four years.
Have you ever heard him rant about asylum seekers?

It's his usual all-over-the-place incoherent ramblings, starts ranting about other countries releasing these people to come to America....

He actually thinks 'asylum seekers' are people realised from "insane asylums" from other countries to come to America "illegally"

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
Her response should be to challenge him to another where she wont wear earrings. He doesn't have the balls or the smarts to do it.
Re dog and cat eating; Its amazing that someone with an inability to discern fact from fiction had a finger on the nuclear trigger for four years.
His cultists will just point to a single moment in this new debate where she seemed uncertain, or where she stopped and started a sentence as "proof" that she was being coached in the last one.

And much like this one, claim victory despite all evidence to the contrary.

Seeing him and them claim victory on that debate really is like the analogy about how arguing with an idiot on the internet is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how good you are, the pigeon will just knock over the pieces, shit on the board and strut about like it won anyway.

true believer

Well-Known Member
The"Migrants eating cats and dogs"quote brings to mind "Honest John"Howard's comments about refugees throwing their children overboard-his ministers Reith and Ruddock also said this.Remember this was just prior to an election in November 2001.
The play book hasn't changed in 40 years .
The lying rodent was dog whistling asians in the 80's

true believer

Well-Known Member
I thought this was quite a telling moment.

Former President Donald Trump twice refused to directly answer a question during the debate about whether he wanted U.S. ally Ukraine to win the war. Meanwhile, Vice President Kamala Harris praised American and NATO support for Ukraine in its fight against Russia's invasion so far — and called for it to continue.

“Otherwise, (Russian President Vladimir) Putin would be sitting in Kyiv with his eyes on the rest of Europe. Starting with Poland,” she said. “And why don’t you tell the 800,000 Polish Americans right here in Pennsylvania how quickly you would give up for the sake of favor and what you think is a friendship with what is known to be a dictator who would eat you for lunch?”
The evangelicals and maga nazis are all in for putin (see mtg). so he loses nothing with the base


Well-Known Member
I don't disagree that there were a number of telling moments. And god forbid that loon gets back in the white house.

But we are talking about US swing states. And nobody has accused Trump supporters of being rational or sane (or intelligent) - watch some of the videos of Jordan Klepper interviewing Trump supporters (and anti vaxxers) for a hilarious take.

Georgia was won by Biden by what 12000 votes last time? So we aren't talking a swing of millions.

It's not so much the 800,00 polish Americans that decide to not vote for Trump - it's do they have enough reason to vote for Harris or do they stay at home?
The bit that scares me is I do know a very intelligent school friend that is an avid Trump supporter. It is truly a cult.

true believer

Well-Known Member
Her response should be to challenge him to another where she wont wear earrings. He doesn't have the balls or the smarts to do it.
She would automatically be trolled for admitting she had ear phones in .
Re dog and cat eating; Its amazing that someone with an inability to discern fact from fiction had a finger on the nuclear trigger for four years.
As long as billionaires get tax cuts . They won't give a shit . No one will be targeting elon's bunker
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Big Al

Well-Known Member
Her response should be to challenge him to another where she wont wear earrings. He doesn't have the balls or the smarts to do it.
Re dog and cat eating; Its amazing that someone with an inability to discern fact from fiction had a finger on the nuclear trigger for four years.
That’s the best bit. The conspiracies. The ear phone earings (who knew it was a thing).
The shooting was. A fake with no scar
And eating pets. It’s really amazing how this world can argue anything and make it seem legit

Hello Sailor

Well-Known Member
Two things;
a. Its not migrants but a senior Republic with a habit of grabbing other people's pussies,
b. His cultists are correct. Harris DID have an unfair advantage in the debate. She was playing with a full deck

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