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Home Grand Final - how to get early access member tickets!


Staff member
It's pretty easy to get a code to jump the queue and ensure you get a seat to the Grand Final in Gossy (Good Times).

1. Join CCM Fans
2. Buy a Central Coast Mariners membership
3. Wait until the Mariners qualify for a HOME GRAND FINAL and receive your code to buy tickets

I mentioned that I might create this thread and maybe it's going to come across as a bit mean spirited or whatever, but it's not meant to. Some of us have been members since day one and we get that circumstances change, people move away, can't make it to all the games, get the shits at winning all the wooden cutlery and throw their membership card at the manager at the time and call him a c**t for destroying the club in a massive man-baby style tantrum, or whatever.

Personally I think for about the first 10 years I had gone to every single home game, most Sydney/Newcastle games, a heap of Melbourne and Brisbane away games. Now we are hardly at the games, other things just seem to come up and we end up watching on TV. There is no way I would drop my membership though. I realise not everyone will want to keep their membership and not go to all the games, but at the same time you can't expect to have member privileges while not committing to being a member!


Well-Known Member
I don't really mind if people share their codes with each other. A sell out for the club is great, and the $ side of things impacts the APL, not CCM, either way.

For me this season I knew I wasn't going to get to as many games and held off on the season pass until I knew later.

Despite this when the $36 membership came out I jumped straight on it simply to support the club who had worked so hard for their success last year. Figured it was cheap to support and gave me options.

In the end I did get to a number of games , including AFC Cup, but bought the tickets each game rather than getting the season pass which worked out ok as I couldn't get to as many as I wanted.

I now have several friends hitting me up for presale tickets, but have had to direct most of them to the Tuesday sale


Well-Known Member
I have been smashed with people wanting codes also. Same as last year.

It annoyed me last year, however this year we have a stadium capacity of 20k. It’s not about getting bums on seats, we are going to do that quickly and those who paid for their memberships wholly deserve first dibs.

We have stuck through the bad years and now the good years, and good things come to those who wait. Those who didn’t learn from last year and are still happy to jump on and sponge from members, thinking they deserve the same benefits for paying nothing, wholly piss me off. Especially with the cheap non game attending memberships on offer. No excuse..

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
I have been smashed with people wanting codes also. Same as last year.

It annoyed me last year, however this year we have a stadium capacity of 20k. It’s not about getting bums on seats, we are going to do that quickly and those who paid for their memberships wholly deserve first dibs.

We have stuck through the bad years and now the good years, and good things come to those who wait. Those who didn’t learn from last year and are still happy to jump on and sponge from members, thinking they deserve the same benefits for paying nothing, wholly piss me off. Especially with the cheap non game attending memberships on offer. No excuse..
Great reply. We watched absolute dross with under 5k crowds. Now its our time

Josho Howe

Well-Known Member
I have been smashed with people wanting codes also. Same as last year.

It annoyed me last year, however this year we have a stadium capacity of 20k. It’s not about getting bums on seats, we are going to do that quickly and those who paid for their memberships wholly deserve first dibs.

We have stuck through the bad years and now the good years, and good things come to those who wait. Those who didn’t learn from last year and are still happy to jump on and sponge from members, thinking they deserve the same benefits for paying nothing, wholly piss me off. Especially with the cheap non game attending memberships on offer. No excuse..
Couldn't agree more. Members always get first dibs. That's what you pay a membership for. Johnny come lately's who only want to show up for the big games and only support when the team is successful can get farken honestly.

Priority is our core 6k or so members who have been there every/most games for years. They deserve it. The rest of the bandwagon can fight amongst themselves.


Well-Known Member
Apparently we use the codes from the semi final.
Has anyone heard anything else?
Also, what are the prices pet ticket.

I live in Newcastle and have a full membership. I have swapped between the 36 membership and full depending on Newcastle away games and my schedule.
Family membership rock baby
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Big Al

Well-Known Member
It's pretty easy to get a code to jump the queue and ensure you get a seat to the Grand Final in Gossy (Good Times).

1. Join CCM Fans
2. Buy a Central Coast Mariners membership
3. Wait until the Mariners qualify for a HOME GRAND FINAL and receive your code to buy tickets

I mentioned that I might create this thread and maybe it's going to come across as a bit mean spirited or whatever, but it's not meant to. Some of us have been members since day one and we get that circumstances change, people move away, can't make it to all the games, get the shits at winning all the wooden cutlery and throw their membership card at the manager at the time and call him a c**t for destroying the club in a massive man-baby style tantrum, or whatever.

Personally I think for about the first 10 years I had gone to every single home game, most Sydney/Newcastle games, a heap of Melbourne and Brisbane away games. Now we are hardly at the games, other things just seem to come up and we end up watching on TV. There is no way I would drop my membership though. I realise not everyone will want to keep their membership and not go to all the games, but at the same time you can't expect to have member privileges while not committing to being a member!
Absolutely fair and everyone has a right to get upset about people asking but also if you don’t ask you don’t get.

I think the problem is members are now competing with other members hanger ons.

It’s been said but i think members would be a little more supportive if they were guaranteed theirs. If some of you miss out to the other 7 extras there will rightly be anger. Who ever thought of that is crazy has never been that many extras. I wonder if that was Rich trying to get the coasties to pack it out.

I have no troubles with members feeling that way.

I don’t see the difference between forum people asking and the 7 extra hangers that members buy for but obviously they would be for people you actually know but at the same time where were they too (as mentioned some where with you. Not having shots at anyone).

For me members absolutely should be priority No1. No problems with that and if i miss out so be it it’s my fault and have no body to blame. Will i be a bit jealous of the extras getting a seat, probably but thats life and most importantly its a massive occasion for the coast.

Hopefully it doesn’t fracture the forum but I respect your rights to be protective of your benefits.


Well-Known Member
Logged on OK. But the timer will run out before 9am. So I'll be mashing the refresh button! :(.

PS. Don't forget to disable your VPN.

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