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Final Series- Local League Thread


Well-Known Member
Division 1 Reserve Grade Minor
Gosford City 2-0 Terrigal

Division 1 1st Grade Major
Gosford City 1-1 Kincumber  (Kincumber win on penalties)

Kincumber to the GF in both grades, and it will be gosford and killarney in the Finals of both grades.


Well-Known Member
We lost our major semi yesterday. We had a shot which bounced over the line before the keeper got to it, the linesman has signalled that a goal has been scored and the referee has completely ignored him and waved play on. The game stays at nil-all and goes to extra time. Our defender slightly mistimes a challenge on the edge of the box and the referee decides to consult with the linesman, for the first time in the game, and gives a penalty. If he had taken a few seconds earlier to do his job we would be in the grand final by now. To add insult to injury he said after the game that he should have spoken to the linesman and awarded the goal. It's no wonder people get frustrated at times.

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
Oh FFS, shut the hell up kareem, it's just getting pathetic now.

Ever thought that maybe, just MAYBE, the referee saw something that you didn't, from your cushy position at halfway?

As you should know, contact doesn't have to be heavy to be a free kick.  If it's careless at minimum, falls into one of the ten direct free kick categories and has an effect on play (and all it takes is a little charge or push to be able to affect the opponent's ability to play the ball) then it's a free kick

Oh, and first year referees do ref in finals - just not grand finals.  2nd year refs can do grand finals - though I'd also consider them to have fairly limited experience, wouldn't you?

ryan - that blows.  The only justification I can think of for ignoring the AR is that he mistook the flag for an offside flag or something, which is why he waved him down, and didn't realise until it was too late.  Man, that's a crap way to lose a match - though at least you've got another crack at the GF.  Certainly couldn't blame you for getting frustrated there :p

Gopher of Pern

Well-Known Member
AA6's Budgewoi beat Avoca 3-1 in Major Semi, and Mountains beat Wyong in Minor 3-0.

A week off would probably have hurt us more, so hopefully we can beat the Mountains and get another crack at Budgewoi!

Kanwal Rover said:
lost our minor semi final to The Entrance 3-0 today.. not a great performance by most of our team.. maybe nerves or maybe they didnt care but didnt look like they showed up to play.. the ref had a good game tho :p

Frankly, you guys sucked pretty bad. I only arrived just as the first goal was scored, but after that you weren't really turned on.

At least you made the finals!


Well-Known Member
kareem you are coaching 13Cs who do you want shields or breeze at that age they are goin to give reasonably inexperience refs GFs for 13 cs so stop ya whingin the ref cant help your team wasnt good enough to put one in the back of the net so bad luck 


Well-Known Member
Watched the PL1 Grand Final yesterday on Pluim1. Not a bad game considering the state of the pitch. I heard that the A-League U20 comp have some games booked there. You are kidding me .. we'll be a laughing stock. 

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
It's true, a number of games are scheduled there.....

You cannot possibly expect a field that's used as much as Pluim is, to be of a suitable quality for NYL.


Well-Known Member
kanewillow said:
kareem you are coaching 13Cs who do you want shields or breeze at that age they are goin to give reasonably inexperience refs GFs for 13 cs so stop ya whingin the ref cant help your team wasnt good enough to put one in the back of the net so bad luck 
I was sayin that inexperienced arent supoosedly meant to do the finals...we dont deserve the best refs around but we deserve fairness dont we?
And like I said- we were gutted by the ref...and it was so disappointing to see looks of glum on their faces. We scored 70 goals in 20 games this year- only one game scoreless (0-0 vs 3rd where only a draw was realistically need to make 2nd). I honestly think that if we went down to a legit. goal= we would have got one back...who knows Toukely may have got a 2nd or even 3rd if we equalised (as you would expect they took foot off pedal 2nd half when winning)
The fact is we didnt get a fair shot at it
Capn Gus Bloodbeard said:
Oh FFS, shut the hell up kareem, it's just getting pathetic now.

Ever thought that maybe, just MAYBE, the referee saw something that you didn't, from your cushy position at halfway?
I'm saying similar event happened down our end and I agred with the ref that he didnt call it- it was weak IMO. The toukley players contact effected our guy and might have been a freekick if it hadnt been in box.
Then 5 mins later thing happens down opposite end but its a penalty?
Its inconsitency!
And dont you dare tell me to shutup
I'm not the only person that complains about ref's
and where critiscism is due- people shouldnt run
seems like you have a personal vendetta becuase I left your association because I couldnt bear to be a next to the ref's that gave us a bad name.

When my kids at the end of the game- someone said arent you a ref? (or something along the lines)
I replied. Not anymore, its people like him that I dont want to be associated with!
My players got some relief from that- they knew how much i enjoyed reffing
all it takes are a couple of bad refs out there, a couple who ruin it for the rest

Eg. a ref rescinding a red card in womens match- i heard that 2 times (once W14s)
an assistant ref wearing a doyalson jacket when Doylason were playing in 18s. What the???

and the occasional blatant unfair mistake...I surely cant be expected to take that lying down?
Thats the problem- he will never learn.

You seem to think every ref is as honest and professional as you...thats the problem they arent
so many do it for money- it wasnt a u13s Grand Final...it was $28.


Well-Known Member
anyway- its obvious that I aint going to budge
and its obvious you feel compelled to defend most anti-ref comments so we can go on for ever or agree to disagree

All I will say is this
We arent the 1st team to get stiffed by a contentios referee decision- and we aint gonna be the last!

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what was more hilarious - you telling me not to dare telling you to shut up, or the fact that you're utterly convinced I'm so devastated at the loss of the great Kareem to the International Refereeing Ranks that I'm now out to get you (despite the fact that nobody has bagged out a local ref on here as much as you).

Mate, with the maturity you've shown in this thread, I think it's a bloody good thing you've quit refereeing. 

It's quite disconcerting that you don't see what you're doing wrong here, yet you're given charge of a significant part of the personal development of a number of young individuals.  But considering you're blaming the ref's association for your own problems....well, I think you've made your opinion on personal responsibility abundantly clear. 

And as for the rest of your post?  Shut the hell up Kareem (GASP!!! Did he dare???), nobody cares to listen to your whinging - a message you should've learnt on here a long time ago.  Sometimes people need to take a look in the mirror and try to find out exactly who it is that they're projecting to the outside world.

Sigh....I say all this, not in the intent of flaming you, but in the sincere hope that one day you might show a little consideration, empathy and maturity.  Maybe one day you'll understand that.

Anyway, I'm over this conversation.  I'm sure everybody else on here is too. 


Well-Known Member
Capn Gus Bloodbeard said:
or the fact that you're utterly convinced I'm so devastated at the loss of the great Kareem to the International Refereeing Ranks that I'm now out to get you
No i dont think anyone will be sad to lose me as a ref. I was a decent ref for 1st year but nothing special.
I think its more so your pissed i ditched you- it was nothing against you, just against other refs.
But your overreaction has by far chaanged my opinion of you. Seems to run in family? I left someones team- nothing to do with him and I get massively slated for it.

Capn Gus Bloodbeard said:
Mate, with the maturity you've shown in this thread, I think it's a bloody good thing you've quit refereeing. 

It's quite disconcerting that you don't see what you're doing wrong here, yet you're given charge of a significant part of the personal development of a number of young individuals.  But considering you're blaming the ref's association for your own problems....well, I think you've made your opinion on personal responsibility abundantly clear. 

And as for the rest of your post?  Shut the hell up Kareem (GASP!!! Did he dare???), nobody cares to listen to your whinging - a message you should've learnt on here a long time ago.  Sometimes people need to take a look in the mirror and try to find out exactly who it is that they're projecting to the outside world.

Sigh....I say all this, not in the intent of flaming you, but in the sincere hope that one day you might show a little consideration, empathy and maturity.  Maybe one day you'll understand that.

I'm through having this conversation with you.
whoah. u r being rude to me
becuase you cant take criticism. Thats the problem
yes ref's cant be perfect but u r now in a deluded frame of mind where you believe that it is ok for ref's to make mistakes- thats dangerous
IMO we should be understanding that refs can make mistakes but by accepting as a common thing it can result in the altering of the jr ref's physce -that mistakes arent that big a deal.
I had a bad 11 e's game once. I didnt cost any team the game- but I felt unsatisfied with my performance and sough to improve myself.
Most junior ref's dont give a crap unless told so by senior ref's/ inspectors, and heck some still dont give a crap even then

How can I give empathy to a ref who laughs off his mistake- that treats as nothing. That is in fact unempathetic to my team-  laughing it off was derogatory. How can I sympathise with that?
Thats actually the absolute wrong way to handle it.
Ignoring it is a more polite manner although some would say it allows the offender (me) to continue doing it.
Going to the offender and telling him it aint acceptable is the correct method. A junior ref 17 years old- 2 years exp. We played Budgewoi and their coach went off at him for not calling offside. He rectifed the problem
But to laugh- thats not right is it?


Well-Known Member
i find it laughable that this thread has turned out into Kareem bagging out refs. Surely he is no position to say he is right and the referee is wrong when he himself has only had 1 year of experience. And Kareem, all i can say is good riddance. I think it's a case of 'less said the better' for your refereeing abilitly.


Well-Known Member
razza- look who is talkin- you havent ever been to shy to have a go at me?
3years of school with you was 3 years too many!
Lol- at the day you got kicked off the sideline at Umina 3 years ago for baggin me out. Nice guy you are!

It wasnt a question of experience it was a question of consistency. I hope that that ref if he plays can some day feel the heartache that our team did.
You know I feel being a player- one that understands the ramifcations of ref's decisions can only be a good thing for a ref.

And now for some entertainment
Another dodgy occurance in with CC refs (should I write a book of memoirs).
The 2 times I have blown up at a ref were for my GK get butchered not once but 2 times! by same player and ofcourse the now infamous GF loss on  saturday.

Believe or not I once upon time went up to a ref at halftime asking him a sincere and polite question.
The situation, a handball by the GK outside box- last line of defence (I have already said something here). A straight red card. No matter u13C's. I ahve spoken to many ref's and every single ref has confirmed this (bad sportsmanship was cited as reason not to let it go- that Gk must learn from mistake).
I went up to ref at hafltime and said
"excuse me, what was the freekcik you gave us for?"
To which he said to me- you are a ref and shouldnt doing this!
He was inferring I should let him get away with the mistake because why- I am a ref
that was the beginning of the end (early August I think)


Well-Known Member
your kidding you lost teams lose on bad decisions not gettin a fair shot you lost you couldnt score bad luck dnt blame the ref

The fact is we didnt get a fair shot at it


Well-Known Member
My team missed out on the finals right down to the last game of the season.
A ref might have changed the result of a game here or there, and we knew it at the time.
Fact is if we were better that wouldnt matter and the reffing decision wouldnt matter.

Then again i am on the coast, and it happens week in week out to the Mariners, get used to it.

Think you have 2 options kareem,
1. Take it up with the Ref's association, bagging out ref's here wont change anything.
2. Ironically, become a ref and become really good, and influence other refs to become really good.


Well-Known Member
Capn Gus Bloodbeard said:
Shut the hell up Kareem

+1 - and virtually everyone else on the forum, i'm sure.

fact of the matter is Kareem, yes, referees make mistakes - they're human. unfortunately, not everyone can be as good as you, otherwise the world would be a better place. your team lost, i feel for you, but let it go, move on, better luck next year and all that. As you said, your team isn't the first to be affected by a refereeing error, and more than likely won't be the last - but people don't come on here and bitch and moan about it in the way that you do. Let it go.


Well-Known Member
Keeper_Herbs said:
Think you have 2 options kareem,
1. Take it up with the Ref's association, bagging out ref's here wont change anything.
2. Ironically, become a ref and become really good, and influence other refs to become really good.
1. It wont do anything. This is my way of venting on here. Me complaining to ref's association would be a waste of my time AND their time- which trust me they have bigger problems to deal with
2. I became a ref and some of the things I saw disgusted me. Some ref's were good and sincere and some...
Not to mention that you only need 70% to pass your test. Thats 28/40.
In my class I dont think anyone failed...but 2 just scraped in on 28. Most people low 30s.
Thats pretty awful. Thats 7-8 gaps of knowledge at least in most ref's out there.
Not suprising with how some of them ref then?

priorpeter said:
fact of the matter is Kareem, yes, referees make mistakes - they're human. unfortunately, not everyone can be as good as you, otherwise the world would be a better place. your team lost, i feel for you, but let it go, move on, better luck next year and all that. As you said, your team isn't the first to be affected by a refereeing error, and more than likely won't be the last - but people don't come on here and bitch and moan about it in the way that you do. Let it go.
I am sorry, where did I say I was a good ref?....I didnt- I wasnt bad for a frist year ref but like I said nothing exceptional. My only key thing was fairness. My calls were a bit iffy here and there at times but guess what- most teams were satisfied they went both ways.

Now my fairness may be a result of anguish caused by ref mistakes
I have lost 2 playing finals-
1 due to bad luck
1 other due to bad luck of which included a ref's error (goal scored by our strikers nose, was disallowed because ref though it was handball presumably due to awkward contact???) but even that wasnt the same circumstances.
That hurt but it was only a factor really, nothing on the same scale as this.
This was 1-0. 100% pivitol on ref's decision.

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