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Express Headline -Hopefully true


Well-Known Member
Head line in the sports section of the Express.


Midfielder playing for fresh contract


LOL wish it were true.

To westie who sent me this article as I said wish it were true mate but at 54 the over 35's do me just fine.

Jorome Alexander Bennett

Well-Known Member
This is such a ridiculous post.

The article uses your eponymous tag. That is in no way interesting.

I assume you chose a football related nom-de-plume for it's very football relatedness.
A football relatedness that makes the chances of it being used in one of the innumerable stories floating on the entire world wide internet regarding football of such a great magnitude that it would be quite ordinary to say the least.

You seem to think that a football related name that you chose entirely because of it's football relatedness being used in a football related article is extraordinary enough to warrant a thread unto it's self. Delusions of grandure, perhaps.

I will, without hesitation, eat my hat if your name is John H. Midfielder and you have never heard the term midfielder as it applies to the tactical positioning of a footballer, because under those improbable circumstances this thread would have some worth.

Insert insincere but absolving winky emoticon.

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