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CCM v Newcastle Jets 23rd Dec


Well-Known Member
MM seems to be saying that we need to change, but we won't, we might swap a player or two, and what we really need is some more mongrel...? If so, why isn't he learning from the very hard consequences he keeps receiving?

"We just need to make sure that on the park, people are just ready to go.

"(Just) in terms of not worrying about tactics per say, but giving their all so fans can say at the end of the day, 'I'm really proud of my team because they gave everything today'."

"Everybody's in the mix. Last week when I said at the end of the game, it was to say (that) we do need to change something," Mulvey said.

"I want people to recognise that we have tried something, we've got to try something new.

"We don't need to tweak that much in terms of what we do and how we do it, and which players are going to do it. But we do need to change, obviously. The points table doesn't lie."

Good stuff. Looking forward to a 15-nil defeat now.
Tensions..... Fkn bout time. I hope at least one of the players reads these forums. We've all had enough. Tensions are peaking on here. Imagine 5 yrs of this garbage.


Well-Known Member

I'm sorry ....but w the absolute fcuk was all that shite dribbling out of Mulvey's mouth:

1) "We just need to make sure that on the park, people are just ready to go.

"(Just) in terms of not worrying about tactics per say

(Yeah .. 'tactics - schmatics ... who fcukn needs them :rolleyes:)

2) "I want people to recognise that we have tried something,

(OK ... you tried 'something'
.... what it was exactly ?
....... we're all NOT QUITE SURE :confused:)

"...we do need to change something," Mulvey said.

(So ..... the 'tried something' needs to be changed to a NEW 'something' ??
GOT IT :thumbup:
what 'that something NEW' actually is you haven't quite explained .... but I am trying to keep up with you here Mike)

4) we've got to try something new.

(... yeah got that. .. a NEW 'something' that's different from the 'something you tried before)

5) "We don't need to tweak that much in terms of what we do and how we do it,

:eek: WTF !!
[Imagine the sound of screeching brakes people]
..... what the hell happened to 'trying something NEW' that's different from the 'something' that you wanted us to recognise that you'd previously tried ... but didnt work ???????? o_Oo_Oo_Oo_O
- now ... so now we actually 'DON'T NEED to CHANGE !' ?????

" ...and which players are going to do it. But we do need to change, obviously."

- :doh: Pheeew, we're back to 'CHANGE' is required!!

Mike Mulvey, from the above convoluted 'mixed-messaging'
... 'off-track back on-track'
...'to-ing & fro-ing', I seriously have no fcukn idea if you are 'coming' or 'going' ?
... don't know if you're 'Arthur'or 'Martha' ??

- genuinely ...... WTF ???

Week ago .. Mulvey spoke about 'a FEAR' that he has come to realise is perhaps more ingrained in this club over the previous years as a 'culture' than he first thought possible.

I BELIEVE this current squad IS 'scared'

..... 'they' ..... LIKE ME !! are afraid of that Mulvey is/appears constantly confused as to WHAT ... 'IT'... IS ... that he actually wants them to do as a team ..... let alone as individuals.

For a bloke who is purported to be a an excellent communicator
....... that was AS VAGUE AF !!!
Last edited:

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
Tensions..... Fkn bout time. I hope at least one of the players reads these forums. We've all had enough. Tensions are peaking on here. Imagine 5 yrs of this garbage.

Between that and wombat's comments that they finally look like they're training seriously rather than doing a social kickaround......seems that it's taken mulvey 2 months of the season to finally realise what it's like at the club and actually finally show some leadership.
And he really, really needs to be taken to task for that.


Well-Known Member
Between that and wombat's comments that they finally look like they're training seriously rather than doing a social kickaround......seems that it's taken mulvey 2 months of the season to finally realise what it's like at the club and actually finally show some leadership.
And he really, really needs to be taken to task for that.


Well-Known Member
I know it may appear funny peoples , but I'm dead-set serious !

The reason mulvey doesn’t speak confidently is because he can’t. He knows that the real reason the team is shit is because he recruited it and anything he says will just come back to bite him on the arse.

A terrible position for somebody with “small man syndrome” to be in.

For somebody to front the camera unshaven, messed hair, made worse by his crooked dirty teeth .......... and talk shit is just not acceptable. He looked like a homeless person not an a-league coach.:redcard:


Well-Known Member
See you all in Bay 16 this afternoon. If you want to make sure everybody in the bay can join in welcoming Roy back to the A-League, make your own red cards. A sheet costs $2.55 from Officeworks and can be cut into 40 cards.

Yippee ki yay, thy fornicator of motherhood...

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member


I'm actually looking forward to this one from Melbourne. Sounds like, from the training reports, that MM and the team have finally started to realise they're an A-league team getting paid to play. I'm keen to see what attitude that translates to on the field and how Matty will lead the team.

I'm also looking forward to it because this one does matter - being a derby and all. The last few games, there's been nothing to look forward to except an expected loss. Here, at least it's a derby.

Although I still expect our rivals will claim bragging rights - just as long as it's a decent fight.

And just as long as the Irish Thug doesn't score a fkng hat trick

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