Welcome to the forum Sean, (and really good to see Ancient and FFC back on the boards too!). I'm going to grab this opportunity, but I've a few questions so please just answer at your leisure over a few weeks or whatever is manageable.
We all appreciate how much work was done in the foundation years of building community engagement, but for mine the club has actually never felt more approachable or inclusive than it does right at this juncture. It was sorely needed, is beyond refreshing, and above all exciting. I'm sure you have a long and busy road ahead, but a huge well done to you and everyone else on the clear culture shift and vision. Great to finally see things like the membership recruiting incentives coming in - wish they were here over the past decade.
I would strongly second FFC's idea about a simple members email regarding getting feedback on any issues and Adz on catering. Brought a lot of people to games over the years, and the catering/food quality is a genuine detraction from game day experience and source of jokes for most. We're unbelievably spoilt for amazing food in Oz these days, I think we're second to none, but where ever I go stadium food has somehow, by and large, resisted. It is over priced, and now really only serves as a bit of culinary nostalgia to those of us (like me) raised on a steady diet of cold pies, mars bars, soggy chips and chiko roles. Times have changed to the point where even Macca's seems inclined to argue it's name is actually just an abbreviation for macrobiotic...
One bee I've had in my bonnet for a long time, is that whenever crowds have been underwhelming and the "coast don't deserve their team" drivel has been served up, everyone trash talks attendance. We debate and speculate on here, poor football, poor time slots and competing with the recreational lifestyle of the central coast being the most obvious offenders, but I have had a pretty significant amount of experience that the only people typically aware of upcoming games are usually existing members and a few of the more avid supporters.
I'm the co owner of a couple of business here on the coast, one with a large membership, and I've had a lot of interaction about upcoming games with people over the years - usually trying to drum up excitement. Some people on here have offhandedly dismissed this concern. Maybe in their circles everyone appears to know. But I don't believe so, nor that this is a case of simply they're all just not paying attention or Coasties only care about the NRL. I appreciate there would be considerable effort always going in, but for a brand as significant as the Mariners is on the coast, the cut through has always to my surprise seemed to be very low.
I've participated in the surveys before, but curious if there has ever been much market research of Central Coast constituents along the lines of how many home games do you think the Mariners play per year? How many games would you say you knew about at least one week prior? Of the 13 games, how many would you be excited about attending...what would motivate you to attend... etc
A simple thing I've always wondered is why there is no major, highly visible upcoming game day and date sign at Erina Fair? A few more signs on the main arteries stating the next game day just like the stadium one would surely be worth the spend and negotiations. Is there a road block to this that I'm not aware of?
Any possibility of:
A community club like ours of taking a leaf out of some American Football home towns, where club signage will go up in yards and even business windows when there is an upcoming home game? Something to help drive awareness and sense of event. (Like others I've hung CCM banners in my businesses before but it only reads as a show of support and is not helpful in promoting game days) I know you guys are consistently trying with print media and radio, but some more major signage and incentives to members and businesses to help build a "it's game day" event culture on the coast might be very beneficial I think.
A large, club sponsored sign for bay 16 and our active support section?
Club sponsored banner and costumes for the band.
Real game day programs... Whether it's a Socceroo's game or whatever they're always so dull and well behind social media and in my humble opinion a total waste of time. Whereas if it is as it seems and TW is willing to be candid about match intentions, likely tactics of the opposition, our squad selections, some of what the the players did in training that week and how they performed etc, stuff that actually genuinely informs and revs you up leading into the game... I know that's the kind of stuff I live for leading into games and would really enjoy reading in a program. Face to face is awesome, (this is amazing news btw) but I can't always make the Kendall before hand and this would be a terrific complement or replacement.
Convincing FOX to improve the look of their product and film from the Eastern side if it's not an afternoon game where the sun will be shining straight into their lenses?
Bringing back Marvin
Better costumes in team colours for the cheer leading squad if they're going to be regulars again this year
Finally, why won't FFA give us more sat night 7:30 games? Is that the prime time ratings spot for FOX so they won't give them to our smaller demographic?
Thanks greatly for your time Sean, for formally joining the boards, putting yourself forward and doing what looks to be such a fantastic job to date.