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    ccmfans.net is the Central Coast Mariners fan community, and was formed in 2004, so basically the beginning of time for the Mariners. Things have changed a lot over the years, but one thing has remained constant and that is our love of the Mariners. People come and go, some like to post a lot and others just like to read. It's up to you how you participate in the community!

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CCM Boys conquering the world


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never a fan
My friend used to be the mentor for the AIS footy kids, assisting them with school, issues living away from parents etc.

One year included the Sains, Taggart generation - she said at their regular Monday catch up through the season after they'd played against/watched Rogic was "how the hell did we get into the AIS and he didn't". They considered him 100 times more skillful than any of the AIS players.

Interestingly, kids that age can of course have/cause all sorts of issues that she'd have to mop up and have varied attitudes that could be frustrating. There was only one player that she ever wrote off as unworkable and who she disliked - more or less referred to him as scum.


Well-Known Member
Just read that Mile Jedinak is joining Spurs as Ange's assistant.

Pretty big move for him.
Yep, as a constantly in pain Spurs fan this has me very excited. Hoping his no nonsense playing days equate to a similar approach as a coach and sort the wanky players out.


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